Understanding if he loves you from how he makes love: 7 infallible clues

What are the things a man in love does in bed? And what are the things a woman in love does in bed? Everyone expresses their feelings in their own way but there are clear signs to understand if the passion has turned into true love ... the one that lasts a lifetime! Here's how to see it clearly!

7 things a man in love does in bed: how to tell if he loves you!

Fortunately, men are not all the same ... otherwise you know how boring your relationship would be! There would not even be the charm of discovery in knowing each other. Each person is different: however, men in love, albeit in a different way, are quite predictable and send out unmistakable signals: are you ready to catch them? In bed, a man in love kisses. Even if you have been together for many years, even if you are no longer a girl or if you have children and grandchildren: kissing your partner in sexual intercourse is a very intimate and profound gesture that communicates emotions that go far beyond the physical pleasure of sex. If even under the sheets he looks for your mouth ... he is in love! The kiss is the answer you are looking for! Another clue to knowing if your boyfriend is in love is to watch him closely while you have sex! If he looks at you, if he looks for your eyes all the time and maintains physical contact at all costs, it means that he is looking for confirmation that the emotions he feels are shared. A man in love doesn't just have sex, he makes love. It is a different way of having sex from that of the first releases, there is more heat. The physical passion and attraction have not changed, he always likes his woman and therefore the intensity is the same, but after the intercourse he will be more present, he will remain next to you, he will want to listen to your impressions even after the intercourse. orgasm, it will never be too tired for you. You recognize a man in love in bed by the fact that he is not in a hurry: he is as attentive to his satisfaction and fulfillment as to his own. And he often dwells on intense and pleasant foreplay just for the sake of driving you crazy: the game of seduction that takes place between two partners always comes from a deep interest and a bond that goes beyond the purely sexual aspect. When you are in bed together, observe how he behaves, if he is proactive and creative with the goal of always satisfying yourself more and more every day: changing locations, positions, organizing new things just to surprise you is an indication of a very strong emotional involvement. Again, a man who touches you, bites you, slaps you, kisses and savors every part of your body means that he loves every aspect of you and is not only interested in reaching orgasm sooner! And finally another important signal: a man in love, he tells you! If he tells you that he loves you, that is already a good indication of a lasting relationship, right? Some men, certainly not all, prefer facts to words and are really more left to talk about their feelings!
If he has no problem talking about you, it means that he really wants you: this is the truth, you are a couple!

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Making love with two men

Making love in the water

The 10 best positions for making love in the shower

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7 things a woman in love does in bed, how to tell if she loves you!

A girl, by nature, always puts a pinch of love into sex and therefore it may seem more complicated at first glance to understand if women are emotionally involved in the relationship or not at all, at least not in that emotional sense. Often the female personality has many more facets and is difficult to classify. However, even in love themes, the experience rewards: with a little practice it will be easier for you to understand if your woman is emotionally involved and feels true love for you. Women in bed are very demanding: with their partner and even with themselves. They always want everything to be perfect and flawless, that what happens under the sheets is pleasant but also elegant and original, satisfying in every sense. So on the one hand, evaluating her attention to detail is not a good idea because it doesn't necessarily characterize a woman in love. It is also true, however, that noticing extreme attention to detail and a desire to keep the partner happy and satisfied is a clear indication of strong interest.

A woman in love tries to please her partner. This happens for two reasons, on the one hand because a woman who is emotionally involved in having sex may consciously or unconsciously experience the desire to create a stable bond, to become a family and on the other hand because the search for a partner's fulfillment in bed for a woman who loves, it translates into the search to make those around her feel good, every day and in every area. As for the sexual sphere, a woman in love does her best in foreplay and pampering, she wants to fulfill all the desires of her partner, even the hottest ones. Orgasm can also be enlightening on feelings: women who experience orgasm easily in bed with their partner are probably involved, or in any case do not experience tensions and doubts towards this person. An important signal can be the serenity of sleeping together after intercourse: a girl in love does it with pleasure! And after sex it leaves room for pampering and sharing: there are no d Do you need more evidence? Often women in love love to talk about sex: those who love want to improve the relationship and always offer the best to their loved one! Clearly, an elusive and evasive woman, taken only by her pleasure, distracted and hasty is having a relationship that does not satisfy her and probably no, it is not love!

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What you have just learned are general rules, usually very valid. Of course there are exceptions: there are some zodiac signs, for example, very prone to romanticism and sweetish effusions and other zodiac signs, on the contrary, shy and reserved when they are in love! With a little attention and an accurate analysis of your partner's gestures, obviously adapted to his character and natural inclinations, you will be able to see more clearly than ever in your story and find answers to all your doubts!

See also: Pure love - these are the most romantic signs of the zodiac

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These signals can be very important to understand if your man or woman loves you and your couple likes you! But the best advice of all, when you have doubts about the feelings about the person you want to share your life with, there is always and only one: ask clearly! If he is the right person he will answer sincerely when you ask him and your doubts will vanish as if by magic!

sex and love