Yoga pilates: 4 easy exercises to reduce cellulite

Are you always looking for ways to fight cellulite, from creams to nutrition advice? If you too hate orange peel skin, have you ever thought about fighting it with Yoga Pilates?

Yoga pilates includes some positions particularly suitable for working the thighs and helping to massage and relax the connective tissue of the skin, smoothing it. The important thing is to practice them consistently and follow a healthy diet.

Let's look at what they are and how to do these four easy exercises to reduce cellulite:

1. Boat pose: the position of the ship

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Vessel position with leg + stretching

To perform the boat pose, sit with your legs straight and your spine straight. Bend one leg and, with the help of your hands, pull the thigh towards your stomach without forcing your possibilities. Keep your balance, on the buttock and pelvis, and lift the opposite leg, trying to keep it straight and up. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side. Be careful not to bend your back: check the balance of the body with the pelvis, relax your head and neck while looking forward.

Boat poses legs and abs

Begin by sitting down, placing your palms next to your hips. Bend your knees and bring your feet to the same distance as your hips. Using your hands, grab your knees and lift your feet off the ground. Bring your shins parallel to the floor. Bring your thighs close to your chest and lift your chest, keeping your balance on your buttocks. Do not arch your back. Extend your arms forward, parallel to the floor and make gentle up and down movements with your arms. Look forward and repeat for 40 seconds. Be careful not to let the chest fall forward, do not arch your back and stay balanced on the buttocks. Bring your shins and arms parallel to the floor. Relax your head and neck and look forward.

2. Position of the Warrior

To do the warrior pose, open your legs beyond your shoulders, bringing one back and one forward. Rotate the rear foot 90 degrees outward and bend the knee of the front leg. Bring your arms up and then open them sideways, keeping your abs contracted and opening your chest, including through breathing. Keep the other leg extended. it is firm. Stay in position for 30 seconds.

Tips: Stand still, keeping your front leg bent 90 degrees and the other straight. Seek the depth up with your arms, always looking forward. Bring your shoulder blades in and open your chest.

3. Location of the Lizard

To do the lizard pose, bend one leg forward and stretch the other backward. Press your palms and fingers to the floor, aligning the foot of the forward bent leg between your hands. Open the chest by extending the arm of the leg. bent up, and keep the rear leg stretched and contracted. For an advanced level bring the elbows in support, which remain close to the foot of the forward leg. Repeat on the opposite side. Remain in the pose for 30 seconds,

Be careful not to go beyond the foot with the knee, do not detach the heel of the leg bent forward.

4. Position of the Corpse

Perform the Corpse Pose by lying on your back. Stretch your spine to the ground. Relax your legs and feet. Place your arms at your straight sides and relax your hands and arms. Then relax your shoulders, back and pelvis, closing your eyes. Calm your breath and clear your mind. Stay relaxed for about 1 minute. Before getting up, start to regain consciousness of your body by starting to move your fingers and toes first and then slowly everything else. Lie on your side, then sit down and then slowly get up.

Here is a video with the complete sequence of the four positions, to be performed one after the other:

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