The simple and homemade trick to stop tights from being stretched

Do your tights unravel all the time? While you are slipping your foot into your 20 den, last pair, here is the fine line of the stretch mark that will be responsible for the total modification of your outfit? If you are like us, and every week you are forced to stock up on tights, to face the winter in style and avoid going out in sweatpants ... well, we have a gem for you! Meanwhile you can watch the video, it will give you some tips for another drama, the sock with holes in it (and don't say you don't care, we know you don't):

Homemade makeup

How do you safeguard the survival of your tights for a warmer winter? Here is a homemade trick that will amaze you: take your tights and put them in a plastic bag to freeze food, then put them in the freezer overnight and let them freeze. The next morning, taken out of the freezer, just thaw them near a heat source, and when they are back to room temperature you can start using them again!

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Because the method would work

The cold would make the fibers of your socks more resistant, fortifying them without making them discolor and allowing us to extend their life and improve ours! A cool night would therefore solve almost everything ... even if the feeling of annoyance of the crotch of the sock slipping down, only the stockings can remedy! Even those after an icicle night ...

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Tights and stockings are a trend that never goes out of fashion and that satisfy all tastes, see:

Tags:  Fashion Beauty Actuality