Meteoropathy: symptoms, remedies and treatments against "time sickness"

Meteoropathy is a set of physical and psychological symptoms that manifests itself on a general level as a widespread malaise dictated by an excessive perception of the ongoing climate changes. It could be defined as a slight depression that arises in a particular way at certain times of the year, in conjunction with prolonged episodes of bad weather or during the winter season, more subject to precipitation, showers and lack of light. If for some it may even seem strange or ridiculous, for some subjects this "weather sickness" represents a real disorder, psychological first of all, capable of negatively influencing the "mood and" course of the days. But what exactly does meteoropathy entail? And who are the subjects most at risk ? Below we will try to explain the symptoms, treatments and remedies of the malaise related to bad weather.

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Meteoropathy: the most obvious symptoms of the ailment linked to bad weather

The symptoms of meteoropathy are mostly psychological in nature, so much so that it is often used to define this disorder as "winter depression", due to the close correlation with bad weather and negative meteorological conditions. Mood swings, sadness and a general sense of malaise are among the main symptoms that can arise in meteoropathic subjects, deeply sensitive to climate change, bad weather and lack of light.

To these are added a sense of apathy, lack of energy, irritability, nervousness and crying fits, with a concentration of pessimistic thoughts that further impact on mood, negatively affecting the course of the day, productivity and interpersonal relationships. The need for solitude, the desire to sleep, refusal to socialize and an increase in the consumption of sugars and caloric foods are in fact some of the most common behaviors among the most serious cases of meteoropathy.

To these psychological symptoms are also added real physical ailments, such as headache, neck pain, shortness of breath, asthma and joint pain, mainly caused by ongoing climate changes.

Effective remedies to cure meteoropathy

In some cases, sleeping pills, anxiolytics and antidepressants are used to combat stress and anxiety. Nothing more wrong! For ailments dictated by meteoropathy, natural remedies must be used that do not excessively impact the nervous system and do not create any kind of addiction.

Perfect in these cases infusions and herbal teas with calming and relaxing properties: you can opt for hawthorn, chamomile, mallow, green tea, valerian, lemon balm and lime. Also tonic based on ginseng, royal jelly and propolis are a real cure-all against widespread malaise, fatigue and physical weakness, which arise especially in the change of seasons, when there is a general weakening of the immune system.

In this regard, it is also good to intervene with a varied and balanced diet, rich in antioxidants and foods that strengthen the immune system, helping to fight apathy and physical fatigue. But that's not all: physical activity plays an essential role against depression and psychological malaise. Practicing sports, and in particular relaxation exercises, such as yoga and pilates, is in fact an excellent antidote against stress. Also massages and acupuncture sessions they can do a lot for those suffering from contractures and joint disorders related to stress and climate change.

If you are among the subjects most at risk of meteoropathy, also try to implement some small defensive strategies to minimize the impact against dark and gloomy days. How? Use light curtains, to better illuminate the spaces in the house, take walks during the lunch break, dedicate yourself to moments of relaxation to recover from everyday stress, take a hot bath and organize outings with friends. In short, the best defense is the attack! In fact, although the first desire may be holing up in the house in solitude, try to force yourself to socialize: your mood will thank you.

Meteoropaths: who are the subjects most at risk of meteoropathy?

But who are the subjects most at risk of meteoropathy? Generally the first victims of "time sickness" are the most sensitive and emotional people, especially if they are going through a particularly difficult or negative period. In these cases, in fact, rainy days and dark and sunless skies can really have a negative impact on the mood, worsening the already rather precarious psychological condition.

To these are added people who are normally little inclined to this type of psychological malaise, who for particular reasons, such as love disappointments, problems at work or events of a negative nature, develop excessive sensitivity, feeling the effects of bad weather and climate change. In all these cases the remedies mentioned above can represent a valid help; however, if the symptoms persist and no improvement is seen, the nature of the problem is probably to be found in deeper and more rooted issues: the consultation of a specialist may be the right solution to your problem.

Antidepressant foods to combat time-related ailments

Among the most effective natural remedies to combat meteoropathy there is also a correct diet. In fact, time sickness is also fought at the table. But what are the foods that are right for us? Below you can find a list of antidepressant foods that help counteract the symptoms of sadness and psychological distress, thanks to the increase in the level of serotonin present in the blood, a powerful mood regulator.

See Also: Antidepressant Foods: What to Eat to Fight Depression

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