Menstrual pains in pregnancy: why do they occur?

Pregnancy is a magical time in every woman's life, but especially if it's your first time, it's normal to be alarmed by any symptoms. Certain signs, such as menstrual pain in pregnancy, are not dangerous, especially if they disappear spontaneously within a few days. Let's see together in this article why they occur and when it is appropriate to contact the gynecologist.

But first, we want to leave you a short video to watch that delves into the thorny issue of PMS.

Why do menstrual pains occur in pregnancy?

Pregnancy is also characterized by the total absence of the menstrual cycle, but sometimes pains similar to those of menstruation may appear, alarming the mother especially if she is pregnant for the first time.

These pelvic pains almost never constitute a worrying symptom, they are light, due to the development of gestation and as they said, they disappear completely within a few days. In some cases they may be protracted and it is necessary to notify the gynecologist for a thorough examination.

But what are the causes that lead to the onset of menstrual pain during pregnancy?

The causes that can trigger pain similar to those of the menstrual cycle in pregnancy are many. Rather, what we need to pay attention to is the period in which these pains appear. In fact, depending on whether they occur in the first, second or third trimester of gestation, they can be attributed to different reasons. Let's see what they are.

See also

Pimples in pregnancy: why they appear and the most effective remedies

Diarrhea in pregnancy: why it appears and what are the remedies

Streptococcus in pregnancy: why the test must be done even without symptoms

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Menstrual pains in the first trimester of pregnancy

When menstrual pains in pregnancy appear in the first trimester, there is no reason to worry because in most cases they are due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall. It is a physiological and completely natural phenomenon. It is usual to experience some discomfort and in some cases even small dark-colored bleeding. Many women who are still in the dark about being pregnant mistake this for premenstrual spotting.

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Menstrual pains in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy the woman is already fully aware of her condition, so if she feels the onset of menstrual pain it is better that she contact her doctor to tell him about the situation and immediately exclude any complications in the continuation of the gestation.In this period that goes from the 3rd to the 6th month, it must be considered that the uterus must adapt very quickly to the growth of the fetus, which also begins to make the first movements that can be the cause of slight cramps similar to those of the In this phase it is normal to feel even small painless contractions and often accompanied by hot flashes: the belly becomes hard for a few seconds and then relaxes.

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Menstrual pains in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of gestation is the most advanced: the belly has grown a lot, the baby is almost completely formed, he is large and has less and less space to move, he turns and performs real acrobatics hitting the uterine walls with his hands and feet. and causing small pains to the expectant mother.

In this period it is common to experience cramps similar to menstrual pain especially as a result of sudden efforts or movements. But beware, menstrual pains in pregnancy, especially if felt in the last weeks of gestation, can mean that labor is beginning. This is the time when the onset of contractions can also occur, primarily with the loss of the mucous plug.

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What to do if you experience cramps

First of all, in front of the onset of menstrual pain during pregnancy, it is good not to get upset, rather contact your gynecologist who may decide to prescribe an ultrasound to make sure that everything is going well.

As a general rule, remember: if the pains are mild and sporadic you can rest assured, they are physiological and indicate the development of gestation. If the cramps become severe and are accompanied by contractions and bleeding, then it is best to get examined right away.

To calm pain similar to that of the menstrual cycle, it is better to use natural remedies: infusions based on chamomile, magnesium supplements or in some cases even drugs compatible with pregnancy. In the latter case it is always better to consult your doctor to avoid any kind of problem in the development of the fetus.

See Also: How To Get Pregnant: 60 Foods To Boost Your Fertility

© iStock 60 foods to boost your fertility and get pregnant!

Distinguish the symptoms of pregnancy from those of the cycle

Let's try to clarify a bit as it is very easy to mistake the symptoms of the cycle for a pregnancy and vice versa. Those who want a child at all costs are inclined to trace every little pain or signal back to the beginning of pregnancy, often being disappointed and increasing one's sense of frustration if the desire does not come true.

On the contrary, those who do not want pregnancy panic whenever they feel a clue attributable to gestation. For all these reasons it is good to clarify and distinguish the typical signs of one and the other case.

Often and willingly, the symptoms we are about to talk about coincide both in the event that you are expecting, and in the event that your period is coming.

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Typical symptoms of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle generates a considerable hormonal imbalance in the organism, therefore it is normal to observe some physical and psychological changes.

  • tiredness,
  • abdominal bloating,
  • abdominal pain,
  • backache,
  • water retention,
  • nausea,
  • weight gain,
  • headache,
  • breast pain,
  • joint pain,
  • constipation,
  • irritability,
  • unmotivated crying fits,
  • meloncholy,
  • depression.

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Typical symptoms of pregnancy

Every woman is different and the way in which pregnancy occurs is also different. Some signs are unequivocal and the same for all, they usually appear in the first months of gestation, but some may arrive as early as 20 days after conception. Some signs may be little known, while others are very frequent:

  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • swollen and sore breasts,
  • increased sensitivity to odors,
  • abdominal pain,
  • backache,
  • nausea,
  • constipation,
  • sudden mood swings,
  • crying fits,
  • meloncholy,
  • depression and poor concentration

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To conclude and recap, the main symptom of a pregnancy is nausea, which appears in the first trimester and disappears around the 4th month. Sexual desire is decidedly subjective: at times it can completely disappear, while in other cases it can become more pronounced.

Tension and pain in the breast are indicators of the onset of gestation because the breasts are preparing to breastfeed, due to the effect of progesterone, they become more turgid and sensitive; the nipples may also change becoming large and dark, and presenting small protuberances called Montgomery tubercles.

If you are thinking that the symptoms in both cases are practically identical, we cannot blame you, what we suggest is to observe the absence of the cycle: this is the only alarm bell that can suggest the onset of pregnancy .

If you experience pain in your lower abdomen but you are not menstruating, take a pregnancy test, it will help you dispel your doubts. Also, if you notice something strange in your body such as cramp-like pains that last for a few days, strongly affecting your daily life, contact your doctor and explain the whole situation to him, he will advise you on what to do.

It happens very often that the menstrual cycle is delayed or does not arrive, but the cause is not necessarily pregnancy. There are many other reasons why menstruation can "go away", an example is stress. Ask for a medical consultation to resolve all your doubts.

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