A blogger reveals the reality behind Instagram: you shouldn't believe everything you see

Finally a blogger who reveals the reality behind the always perfect photos that the stars post on Instagram: you don't always have to believe what we see online. Sara Puhto, a 20-year-old blogger, shares images that reveal how a particular perspective or holding your breath can change a photo. It is really difficult to believe that the girl in the photos is always the same ... Sara wants to promote a message for all women who continually see themselves pouring out unattainable models of beauty and constantly feel inadequate: "love your imperfections and don't believe that everything you see online is true. " Curvy pride says it, the body positive movement says it and now Sara too. What do we need to really love each other at this point?

A particular posture, the simple sitting or holding the breath radically change the appearance. It is really true that you shouldn't believe everything you see.

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Sara Puhto poses