Back pain nightmare? Here are what are risky behaviors and habits

Do you suffer from back pain and can't take it anymore? Yes, we know, unfortunately you are not the only one. It is a rather common discomfort that affects many women, not necessarily of advanced age. The main cause? A series of wrong attitudes that we usually assume in daily life and which we often do not realize, but which we could easily correct with a little effort.

Let's face it, today's hectic life, with all that follows, leads us to have excited rhythms and little space to take care of ourselves and our well-being, result: we often find ourselves stressed and with some ailments that we are not able to motivate well. . Well, actually, there are precise causes that cause physical joint pain, first of all the very unpleasant back pain. Knowing them could help to avoid risky behaviors or habits, definitely improving our quality of life.

In case of back pain, a valid remedy is represented by thermotherapy, which involves the use of heat for therapeutic purposes and provides pain relief without the use of medicines. To learn more about thermotherapy, click here.

But let's take a look below at the risk behaviors to which we are subject every day, which are the cause of the most frequent joint pain.

1. Abrupt movements and shifting of too heavy loads

They may seem harmless and painless actions but they are actually dangerous for the joints, especially if they are performed shortly after waking up, when the muscles are not yet adequately warmed up.

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2. Wrong posture at the desk

It's no secret that the "office position" isn't exactly a blast of health. Sitting at your desk for eight hours in a row can only create small disturbances, especially if you adopt the wrong posture: do not lean forward, perhaps in order to see the PC better, nor do you assume the so-called spoon position, with the pelvis resting on the seat - as you would be on the sofa so to speak - but keep your back straight, your thighs parallel to the ground and your knees bent at right angles. It would be good then, to keep the PC screen at "eye level" in order to not having to bend the neck Finally, the backrest should be supported by a pillow to support the lumbar spine.

3. Sitting for too long or on the contrary always standing

In both cases you are undoubtedly facilitating the inflammation of the lumbar spine. Do not always stay in the same position, take breaks, even short ones, to avoid excessive fatigue.

4. The sedentary lifestyle

In general, the lack of physical activity, of any kind, and a sedentary habit are among the main causes of back pain. They may not trigger immediate pain, but in the long run they can contribute to creating persistent discomfort.

5. Long journeys that force you to sit in a confined place for a long time

Rather stressful for the back and spine, long journeys by car or any other means of transport that forces you to stay in a confined place. Also in this case, the ideal would be to take short breaks to avoid excessive stress on the spine and lumbar area.

6. Potholes and bad roads

Bad roads, potholes and rough terrain can be a nightmare on your back, especially when you are on a motorcycle or bicycle. If you suffer from back pain, you should try to pay particular attention, even if you do not feel any particular ailments immediately.

7. Marked overweight or underweight

Another cause that can cause lumbar discomfort is excessive thinness or, on the contrary, a condition of marked overweight. A correct body weight and adequate muscle mass are essential for good health and, consequently, also for the well-being of the musculoskeletal system.

8. Excessive sporting activity

Doing too much sporting activity can represent a danger, especially if done badly and without criteria: for example, throwing yourself headlong into physical exercise without first stretching is a behavior absolutely to be avoided. . These are small rules that can help our body not to incur strains and other annoying annoyances.

9. Blows of air

Avoid taking blows of air in the lumbar area otherwise back pain will be insured. Banned too strong air conditioning, pointed fans and drafts behind your back: do not underestimate the power of air currents, even if they are imperceptible.

10. Sleeping on the wrong mattress

The mattress is a fundamental aspect, not to be overlooked, just think that we spend about half of our life there ... In short, choose it well, and do not be too thrifty in purchasing, especially if you are subject to discomfort in the lumbar area.

11. Fatigue from weight for women in an advanced state of pregnancy

What unfortunately is common and very normal: back pain in women in an advanced state of pregnancy, due to the belly and the excessive weight accumulated during pregnancy. The only advice: rest as much as possible, do not stay too much in the same position and try to go for walks. Weights and excessive effort banished, of course. Get treated like queens.

12. Smoking, yes, you got it right!

You may be amazed by this news: smoking is bad for your back. Yes, that's right, studies have shown that smoking and nicotine damage the spine, causing an inflammatory action and a reduced supply of nutrients to the various components of the spine. One more reason to quit smoking, right?

13. Goodbye high heels!

Do you love high heels? Here, this could be a problem ... In fact, it would be good to avoid wearing heels that are too high or too low: the ideal size is 3 or 4 cm at the most. Come on women, remember that you do it for your physical well-being and this renunciation will weigh you less!

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