Test: do you need a detox diet? Take the test and find out!

The phrase "we are what we eat" is not just a physical and objective reference. Inside this thought there is a whole world, because in fact what we ingest conditions our person not only for the physical aspect, which is often considered the only determining factor for the choice to go on a diet or not, but also for a more important factor that is our health. The lifestyle we lead, and what we eat is part of our lifestyle, affects many aspects of our health, physical and mental. It is not just a question of form, but of substance. Watch this video first which can make you understand what we are talking about, the benefits of food are beyond what we think here:

Test: how much do you need a detox diet?

Therefore, if our diet is not balanced for a long time, our body will begin to send us signals of discomfort. Our energies will begin to mortify, the immune defenses to drop, belly swelling, dull skin etc ... are the direct consequences of a wrong diet. When the body sends signals, it is time to think about a detox moment, to rely on a specialist (it is always better) and to be followed to be directed to a healthier and more balanced diet. Take the test and find out:

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Tags:  Star Kitchen Women-Of-Today