Friendship Guide: The 13 types of friends we all have

Who finds a friend finds a treasure. Friends are those to whom you can tell everything, from the kiss stolen in the elevator to the time you had to throw away the saucepan because you forgot you were cooking.
You have made tacit agreements with them that, day after day, have led you to be as connected as you are now.

Since in one way or another we live relationships all in the same way, we have decided to draw up 13 different profiles of girls with whom, surely, you will have shared a piece of your life: do you recognize them?

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1. The party girl friend

Despite the 8 hours of work, he can't say no to a night at the disco and, once in the disco, he ignores waking up at dawn the next morning: perfect yes, but only for Friday night!

2. The "friend who" can't get worse than this "

She loves to complain but let's face it: the only time life smiled at her she was looking the other way.
He takes one day off a year and punctually is the one chosen by the neighbors to mow the grass, he enters the supermarket and is the only one in front of which the automatic doors do not open automatically.
One thing is certain, with her you will never get bored.

3. The cook

One cannot not love her. At each dinner she presents 23 different dishes, one better than the other, and is very well informed on new food trends, from the Japanese diet to the use of avocado.
Ok that mom's lasagna is unbeatable but, to be honest, not even his is that bad ...

4. The friend 2x1

We all have it: the friend who, if you ask her out, promptly asks if her boyfriends are invited.
10 years of relationship, coexistence and holidays together are not enough. They love each other so much that those two hours away could prove fatal.

5. The friend who laughs when she laughs too

You have no idea how this is possible but she has a laugh that can stir even the hardest of faces. Whether it's the funniest story of the decade or the meanest joke you've ever heard, if she starts laughing, you follow suit.

6. The selfie addict

Even before the selfie stick was invented, she made a rudimentary one using a broomstick and glittery tape. it is the only one that has come well.

7. The friend late since birth

You have known each other for years and you know that it is necessary to lie with her. After waiting minutes, hours and whole afternoons in the scorching sun or hammered by the elements, you finally realized that when you have to go out you have to tell her the wrong time.
It's still late, but the academic quarter hour is something you're willing to accept.

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8. The thinking friend

You spend hours with her discussing metaphysical events, from the vastness of the universe to the transience of life. Probably at the end of the conversation no one will have understood anything of what the other meant but you know that if you want to learn very difficult words she is the one you can always count on.

9. The sports friend

When you played the Spice Girls she was always Mel C., sports bra and acetate jumpsuit. Fortunately, today her look is a bit more modern but it must be admitted that her love for the gym has not faded over the years ...

10. The social addicted

It does nothing without this being documented on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and without adding at least a couple of filters on Snapchat.
The best thing about her?
If you write in your whatsapp group, it will reply to you even before you have sent the message.

11. The cheerleader friend

Forget plastic poses and triple flips, he's not the kind of cheerleader we're talking about.
This friend is able to cheer you up even when it is at an all-time low, she believes in you even when you stop doing it and always smiles: practically it is a ray of sunshine!

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12. The born organizer

Without her you wouldn't have gone on vacation even once. And "the one who prepares excel sheets with everyone's holidays, creates google docs to decide the destination and carefully analyzes the offers before prices reach exorbitant figures.

13. The one who almost always cries

She doesn't do it on purpose, it's just that he's stronger than her.
Whether it's a baptism, a birthday, a wedding or a Grey's Anatomy episode, you need to have your handkerchiefs close at hand because 93% of the time you will be moved.
An advice? Never see one of these films with her or there is a risk that she will flood the room with her tears.

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