Winter fatigue: 5 remedies to combat it

In collaboration with Polase Winter

If during the summer energy is released from all pores, things change drastically with the arrival of the winter season, when fatigue, weakness, mood declines, drowsiness and difficulty concentrating take over. This happens because in winter the body tends to allocate a lot of energy to essential and very expensive processes such as thermoregulation and the functions of the immune system. In addition, the decrease in daylight hours and grayer days contribute to increasing the general feeling of discomfort. At this point the inevitable question arises: how to fight winter fatigue? The use of healthy eating, motor and behavioral habits, as well as the use of specific vitality, especially when temperatures drop sharply.

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And now let's see specifically how to behave to minimize the feeling of tiredness and exhaustion during the winter season. Here are 5 foolproof remedies. Ready to take note?

1. Maintain proper hydration: drink regularly even in the cold months

Cold temperatures can reduce the sensation of thirst, but the body must be adequately hydrated even in winter: poor hydration in the coldest period can cause, among other things, decreased energy levels, physical and mental fatigue and changes. in mood. Moreover, even if you sweat less in the winter months, the body continues to lose water through the kidneys, the digestive system, the lungs and the skin itself. In addition, the large intestine reabsorbs 7 to 10 liters of liquids that are produced daily by the glands of the stomach and the first section of the intestine. This means that in order to maintain the water balance of the organism, these considerable losses of water must be balanced by the intake.
To maintain proper hydration and overcome winter fatigue, it is therefore advisable to drink regularly even if you are not thirsty (the daily amount depends on various factors such as age, sex, body mass, levels of physical activity and climate ), preferring water but without neglecting milk, tea and other soft drinks, not forgetting that water-rich foods such as fruit and vegetables are also good for hydration. A good "trick" to remember to drink regularly even in winter is to always keep a bottle of water in sight (for example at work on the office desk), while the best way to check the hydration level is to check the color of the urine, which should always be pale yellow.

2. Recharge your body and mind: use specific supplements for the winter

To recharge from the physical and mental fatigue that occurs in the colder season, you can use specific supplements for the winter, rich in vitamins and minerals. We have already explained how winter is a physically demanding season for both the body and the mind, and it is therefore essential that the body receives the nutrients useful to meet the greater demand for energy. Normally these substances are taken through a "healthy and balanced diet, but in winter, due to numerous seasonal and environmental factors , the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins may be lacking. Food supplements for the winter are just for this: to "integrate" (and never to "replace") a diet that is already varied and balanced in itself, providing the organism the deficient nutrients.

For example Polase Ricarica Winter is a food supplement specially formulated to meet the energy needs of the winter season, with its important nutrients that contribute to normal energy metabolism, normal psychological functions and the proper functioning of the immune system. In particular, Polase Ricarica Winter contains magnesium and vitamins B6 and B12, useful for reducing the feeling of tiredness and fatigue, potassium, which plays an important role in many physiological processes and helps the proper functioning of the nervous system, and finally zinc and vitamins C and D, which represent an excellent shield against seasonal ailments.

3. Eat healthily: Eat foods that contain iron

We have just talked about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet to keep winter fatigue at bay, and the importance of food supplements to compensate for any lack of nutrients. All right, but among the fundamental elements for a diet that is not only correct but also energetic for the human body (therefore excellent against the stress, fatigue and sleepiness typical of long, gray winter days) iron must be taken into utmost consideration. The deficiency of this mineral, which can result in in anemia, in fact, it involves numerous unpleasant consequences for the organism, including the reduction of oxygenation of the brain which causes fatigue, difficulty in concentration and memory and irritability. daily iron: 10 mg for adult males and for women no longer of childbearing age, 18 mg for women of childbearing age and for those who Lactane, 30 mg for pregnant women, 7 mg for infants and children up to three years, 9 mg for children from four to ten years, 12 mg for adolescent boys and for girls without menstruation. Lentils and beans), wheat bran, pistachios, unsweetened cocoa powder, dark chocolate and green vegetables.

See also: Iron rich foods: list of the most common

© iStock Foods rich in iron: spinach

4. Avoid junk food: Stay away from junk food

If, as we have seen, minerals and vitamins are very useful for eradicating the fatigue and tiredness of the winter, the same cannot be said of junk food, or junk food, that is, that set of foods that, while satisfying, provide little or no. nutritional intake, instead filling the body with unsuitable substances such as saturated lipids, hydrogenated fatty acids, refined carbohydrates and various preservatives. It is now known, in fact, that the continued use of junk food is also harmful to the brain, slowing down its functionality and at the same time increasing the feeling of fatigue and hamburgers, french fries or bags, hot dogs, frankfurters, carbonated soft drinks, candies and sweets, snacks, popcorn, prepackaged ice cream and so on.
But be careful not to demonize this type of food too much: there is no problem if you eat a hamburger or a tray of fries once or twice a month. The problem arises if the consumption becomes continuous. And in many cases ( especially among the youngest) we know that unfortunately this is the case.

5. Manage Stress: Make time for yourself

We have arrived at the last, but not least, of the 5 remedies to combat winter fatigue: if weakness and fatigue, caused by the increased demand for energy in the coldest months, lead to a condition of stress, it also means that it has arrived. the time to unplug a little and take some time for yourself. On the other hand, the human brain works more or less like muscles: just as in the gym you take a break between one exercise and another to give the muscles time to recover and improve performance, in the same way the brain needs to regenerate after a period of intense activity. In winter, therefore, especially at the end of the coldest and grayest days, it is highly recommended to relax by dedicating yourself to your passions: going out to dinner with your partner, playing with your children, practicing a hobby, doing physical activity, going to the cinema, cooking a new dish, organizing a weekend away or a holiday. Everything is fine as long as the brain is put to rest and the accumulated stress, both physical and mental, is wiped out.

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