Melatonin: what it is, what it is used for and why it is so important

Melatonin is a hormone secreted mainly by the epiphysis (pineal gland) and its production is minimal in the first months of life, increases in youth and then returns to decline in late adulthood and general well-being, because it regulates the circadian sleep cycle - alarm clock.

This substance is synthesized when it is dark, with a peak between 2 and 4 in the morning, then instead it passes to a decreasing phase and, with the arrival of light, we tend to stop sleeping and wake up.

Its secretion is then regulated by light: when the light stimulus reaches the retina, a signal is transmitted to the epiphysis and its secretion is inhibited. Darkness, on the other hand, stimulates its release.

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Sometimes, however, the circadian cycle is put to the test, think, for example, of jet-lag situations caused by long air travel or work shifts that reverse our rhythms and force us to be operational at night and sleep during the day. . In these cases we often fail to rest well, we do not feel recharged, we feel tired, drowsy and lack of energy.

Sleep disturbances are often underestimated by most people, but experts warn that even the occasional or minor one can lead to complications and worsening quality of life.

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In case of sleep disorders due to jet lag, work shifts, insomnia, worries, etc., it can be very useful to resort to melatonin supplements, which work very well in the initial phase of insomnia as they decrease the time needed to fall asleep by slowing down. the functions of the organism and therefore predisposing us to rest.

Many women tend to suffer from insomnia a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle due to hormonal changes, but the problems also seem to derive from a reduction in the synthesis of melatonin. Therefore, supplements can also solve this situation of stress and difficulty in falling asleep in a targeted way.

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See also:
Insomnia and food: foods to avoid before going to sleep
How to get up and train on winter mornings when it's cold: Runtastic tips
Sleep well. 10 rules for having sweet dreams