Dreaming of snakes - what is the psychological meaning?

Dreaming of snakes is very common. It is one of the most common dreams and this is because snakes are a very powerful symbol of our unconscious. But what is the psychological meaning of dreaming of snakes? The interpretations are numerous and vary a lot also according to the characteristics with which the animal presents itself in the dream. It often happens to dream of snakes that jump on us, that bite, that crawl around the house. Very often the color they take on in our nightmares is black. Since the dawn of time this animal has been associated with sexual projections and assumes rather disturbing and threatening connotations. So let's discover together its psychological meaning and the numbers traditionally associated in the lotto game, but in the meantime, here is a video with the " interpretation of the most frequent dreams:

Dreaming of snakes: what is the psychological meaning according to Freud?

Let's start with Freud. According to dear old Sigmund, father of psychology, dreaming about snakes has to do with our sex life. Snakes, in fact, would be a phallic symbol for him, they would represent the penis in our unconscious. Depending on how the snake presents itself and based on what it does, it can represent the way we experience sexuality, our most secret drives and our unconscious desire.If a man dreams of snakes they could mean a sense of castration, helplessness or anguish: the fear of being dominated by sexual impulses that he is unable to control or dominate and which could even be immoral. If instead it is a woman who dreams of snakes, the psychological meaning of the dream refers to a strong sexual desire, to the need to be penetrated or simply to free her most repressed and daring sexual impulses, as if she could be the one to possess a penis.

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The meaning of dreaming about snakes according to Jung

For another illustrious psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, dreaming of snakes more generally refers to a need to change skin, to renew one's energy. The snake, in fact, would be the symbol of vital energy. Not surprisingly, it is the animal of the god Aesculapius, the god of healing who with his Caduceus (the stick with two intertwined snakes) eliminates poison from water and from the body. . According to Jung, dreaming of snakes means getting back in touch with one's repressed, with new energies, which can be both negative and positive. Those who dream must become aware of the ambivalence of this symbol and not be afraid to experience change, with all its contradictions. Let these new energies moving in your unconscious come to you and change you. Change, wherever it takes you, is always positive!

Dreaming of having snakes in the house: what is the psychological meaning?

After having seen the two illustrious interpretations of dreaming about snakes, it will be easy to deduce the meaning of some recurring situations in our nightmares, first of all that of finding snakes in the house. The house, in dreams, represents nothing but ourselves, it is the place where we feel safer, our refuge. Dreaming of our house full of snakes certainly does not give a pleasant feeling, quite the contrary! It puts a lot of anguish and the meaning of this dream is precisely our refusal to want to hear or see during the day our truest desires, our deepest fears, everything that our unconscious tries to pull out, but that we reject. Here then is that the unconscious manifests itself in the dream in the form of a snake and fills our house, that is our conscience: even if it is scary, it simply wants to be heard! So take this dream as an invitation to listen to yourself more, to your most secret fears and desires, so that they no longer present themselves in such frightening guises.

See also: Dictionary of dreams: discover the meaning of your dreams!

© iStock Dream dictionary: find out the meaning of your dreams!

What is the meaning of dreaming of black snakes or snakes that bite?

Another recurring dream is that of snakes biting or black snakes. In both cases, once again, the snake takes on a threatening aspect or attacks us directly. The meaning is no different from dreaming of snakes in the house. The black snake, in fact, expresses a danger, but the danger does not come from outside, rather from within us! It is an anguish, a fear or a desire that is not brought to consciousness and that should instead be looked at. in the face and addressed. The same goes for snakes that bite - they symbolize the anger and violence you have inside of you. Violence, if you are the victim of someone's aggression, or anger, if you are unable to express it in conscious life.

Dreaming of snakes - matched lotto numbers

Like all dreams, dreaming of snakes is also traditionally associated with lotto numbers. In case you have dreamed of having snakes in the house, the number to play is 62. If the snakes bite, however, the number is 80. If the snakes bite, but a person who is not you, the right number is 6. Dreaming of dead snakes, then, is associated with the number 32. If the snakes we dream of are colored, the number to play is 31, if they are whites the number is 10. Finally, if they are black, the associated number is 28. Good luck!

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