Born in December: the zodiac sign of the month and its characteristics

Although there are still many detractors, astrology and horoscope fascinate with their studies and theories on the behavior of the zodiac signs and the influence of the stars on our life. In fact, each sign of the Zodiac has its own particularities and characteristics, as well as specific interests and specific affinities in love Today we will discover what the zodiac sign of December is - or rather, the signs of this month with their strengths and weaknesses.

In fact, the zodiac signs do not mark a precise month, but influence a period of time, usually 28-30 days, which extends to the turn of two months. Thus, December is characterized for the first half by Sagittarius and then by Capricorn.

See also

Born in January: the zodiac sign of the month and its characteristics

Moon in Scorpio: what are its characteristics according to astrology

Born on July 21: all the characteristics of their zodiac sign

Each month its zodiac sign

Before seeing specifically the two signs of December, here is a summary of the "calendar" of the Zodiac according to the day and month. Everyone's main zodiac sign is the one who was in the position of the Sun at the time of their birth. The Sun, in fact, according to astrology and horoscope, determines your deepest self, your identity and is the essence of who you really are.

Aries: March 21 - April 20
Taurus: April 21 - May 20
Gemini: May 21 - June 21
Cancer: June 22 - July 22
Leo: July 23 - August 23
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Sagittarius: November 23 - December 21
Capricorn: December 22 - January 20
Aquarius: January 21 - February 19
Pisces: February 20 - March 20

Unlike the main sign, that is in the position of the Sun, the ascendant, that is the zodiac sign that was rising, at the exact moment of birth, requires a slightly more precise and complex calculation, because it is also based on the year and on the exact hours of when you were born.

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The astrological sign of Sagittarius

Those born from November 23 to December 21 are of the sign of Sagittarius. It is the last of the three zodiac signs of Fire, together with Aries and Leo. It is considered a mobile sign, because it ends its period before the end of December, or at the end of a season, the autumn one.

The planet that influences him is Jupiter, a symbol of success and youth but also of pride. Sagittarius individuals are very outgoing and selfless, emanating considerable positivity on most occasions. For this reason, they never give up, even in the face of the most difficult difficulties, both at work and in private life: they are always ready to get up and improve. All this makes them very determined at work, because they constantly strive for success.

With the other Fire signs and also Aquarius and Libra, Sagittarius loves to discover the world and travel, experiencing new adventures each time. Its fleeting nature recalls that of the sign that precedes it, that is the Scorpio, always grappling with new challenges and reversals of their daily life.

However, his constant enthusiasm and the desire to get involved that characterizes him make the Sagittarius often impulsive and naive. Furthermore, his extreme honesty can lead him to sin of lack of diplomacy and pride, as well as seeing episodes of excessive aggression.

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Sagittarius in love

As happens for other zodiac signs such as Aquarius, Sagittarius can show two sides of himself depending on the relationships with which to deal. In fact, if in friendship he reveals himself as a loyal, caring and extremely nice friend, in love there can be of difficulties. Of an independent character, those born under this sign are excellent seducers, who tend to love courtship more than the actual knowledge of a possible partner. However, if by nature they are inclined to friendship and short adventures, when they fall in love , they do it forever.

Having a Sagittarius partner means having a faithful and always present partner at your side, very respectful of the rules that life as a couple entails. But beware of jealousy and possessiveness: once the dynamics of the relationship have been established, he will amaze with his deep passion.

At the level of love affinity, a born Sagittarius gets along very well with the other zodical signs of Fire, Aries and Leo. In addition, according to astrology and horoscope there is good compatibility with Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. There are difficulties with the Water signs, especially with Scorpio and Pisces, and with those of Earth, especially with Taurus and Capricorn.

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The astrological sign of Capricorn

All those born from December 22nd to January 20th are of the sign of Capricorn. It is the last of the three zodiacal signs of the Earth, together with Taurus and Virgo, and is directly influenced by Saturn, the planet of logic and reasoning. It is considered a cardinal sign, because it begins its influence between December and January, or rather the beginnings of the winter season.

Compared to what has just been seen for Sagittarius, Capricorn people are very thoughtful and prudent, with a patience and stubbornness that distinguishes them throughout the Zodiac. In fact, it is precisely this strong determination that drives Capricorns to reach even the most complex goals and to strongly engage in the world of work, where they are also known for their reliability.

Again unlike the first sign of December, Capricorn is very introverted and introspective. It is not easy, therefore, to be able to enter his circle of friends. This is because, especially at a first meeting, it tends to show its cold and shy nature, which, in reality, is only a facade. Once he has overcome the initial obstacle, he turns out to be a loyal and very generous friend.

On the other hand, however, like all the signs of the Earth, he risks being too materialistic and stubborn. Furthermore, extreme confidentiality often leads him to close excessively to the outside world and to present a certain pessimism that can distance him from the others. people.

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Capricorn in love

Like his "brothers" Taurus and Virgo and likewise Cancer and Pisces, Capricorn has a strong attachment to family and friends. However, winning a partner of this sign is not easy. This is because, during the first approaches, it tends to show an initial barrier made of detachment and confidentiality, mainly due to the fear of suffering and losing the loved one. Once this "block" has disappeared, he is thoughtful and attentive towards his partner, devoted to the point of committing himself to satisfying any of his needs or requests.

It goes without saying that a Capricorn companion is extremely loyal and loyal, expecting the same from those around them. What not everyone expects is his passionate hidden personality that he only brings out in the presence of a person who knows how to make him "melt" completely.Obviously, he does not forgive a betrayal: if his trust is lost, it is forever.

From the point of view of couple affinity, a born Capricorn gets along well with the other two Earth signs, Taurus and Virgo. Good relationships can also be established with his opposite sign, Cancer, or with Pisces. "is in tune with Sagittarius, Gemini and" Aquarius.

December zodiac sign