April zodiac sign: are you Aries or Taurus?

People born in the month of April can fall under the zodiac sign of Aries or Taurus, depending on their date of birth. Those born between March 21 and April 20, in fact, belong to the sign of Aries, while who was born from April 21 to May 20 has Taurus as a zodiac sign. Do you want to find out which stone your zodiac sign is associated with? Watch the video below!

The characteristics of the sign of "Aries

People born under the zodiac sign of Aries have Mars as their reference planet. If we rely on the constellations of the sidereal zodiac (and not on the tropical zodiac) which is commonly used in the West, Aries is a fire sign that as opposite in the zodiac the Libra. In general, those born in Aries are energetic, impetuous individuals, characterized by a rigorous sense of duty and great vitality.
The Aries have a boundless reserve of strength, they are, in fact, real hurricanes of resourcefulness, always ready to become protagonists of life.

Among their positive characteristics, the strength of character, exuberance and resourcefulness stand out: they tend to want to resolve situations through concrete action and do not like to waste time chatting. On the other hand, they tend to be a little aggressive and centralizing, especially with people who do not think like them.Aries love competition, risk and novelty: they are true warriors and, if animated by sincere purposes, they courageously defend the people they love.

The negative sides of the Aries sign are stubbornness, obstinacy and an impulsive character that sometimes leads them to hurt the sensitivity of those around them. Furthermore, they are very proud and stubborn, dominated as they are by the influence of the planet Mars. Those born in the sign of Aries show a certain amount of intolerance and aggression, characteristics that lead them to often come into conflict with the signs of Cancer. , Scorpio, Capricorn and Virgo.
The signs of the zodiac with which he agrees most, however, are Leo, Virgo and Libra.

Among the most famous people born under the sign of Aries during the month of April we find:

  • Leonardo da Vinci, born on April 15, 1952
  • Caludia Cardinale, born on April 15, 1938
  • Giacomo Casanova, born on April 2, 1725
  • Maria Sharapova, born on April 19, 1987
  • Jennifer Garner, born April 17, 1972

See also

May zodiac sign: the characteristics of Taurus and Gemini

Aries ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Aries Leo ascendant: a fiery personality

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The characteristics of the sign of Taurus

Who was born under the sign of Taurus, that is from 21 to 30 April, is generally a person who loves tranquility and living well without too much trouble. Very loyal to his affections and tied to the family sphere, Taurus is an Earth sign whose planet of reference is Venus. Its opposite counterpart in the zodiac is Scorpio, with whom it shares being tenacious and stubborn.
The terrestrial sphere influences him because it exalts his characteristics as a pragmatic and concrete sign: a great lover of order and tranquility, he cannot bear the reveries without rhyme or reason typical of Pisces and Aquarius.

In general, those born of Taurus are hardworking, peaceful people, sometimes a little slow in adapting to the changes in the world around them, but all in all pleasant and also endowed with a certain creativity. The planet Venus makes them attentive to aesthetics and to beauty and, especially Taurus born in the month of April, share stubbornness and obstinacy with the other sign linked to the period, namely Aries.
Among the downsides of Taurus we find an excessive attachment to the material pleasures of life, such as money (it could therefore become greedy) or sexuality, and the difficulty in reacting promptly to changes.

The zodiac sign of Taurus goes very well with Cancer, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, while it has a bad relationship with Aries, Gemini, Aquarius and Pisces. If your zodiac sign is Taurus , know that you share the power of the stars with:

  • Jack Nickolson, born April 22, 1937
  • Jessica Alba, born on April 21, 1981
  • Penelope Cruz, born on April 28, 1974
  • Ambra Angiolini, born on April 22, 1977
  • Uma Thurman, born on April 29, 1970

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Aries and Taurus: how do they live love and work?

If you often consult Paolo Fox's horoscope, you may already know: the stars and the movement of the planets such as the Sun and the Moon influence people born on a certain day of the month. Astrology is not an exact science but some characteristics of the zodiac signs determine our character and our way of living love relationships, the relationship with friends and family and the working sphere. This is why those born in April behave differently from those who celebrate their birthday in May.

Both Aries and Taurus are two very strong signs, both of which are true protagonists of the zodiac. In the field of love affairs, however, while the former is perpetually looking for who is able to stand up to him, the latter is attracted by the stability of the couple. Aries loves novelty even in love and it is not always easy to accept his desire to be protagonist; the Bull, on the contrary, is sometimes a little too couch potato and closed in on himself. The position of the Sun and the other planets, however, has a great influence in determining the personality of a person: only an accurate astral chart, in fact, can accurately describe the character of an individual.

As for the business sphere, both Taurus and Aries can achieve great results with their determination. Unlike other zodiac signs more "on the clouds" such as Gemini, Pisces and Aquarius, the signs that govern those born in March, April and May help to achieve concrete work goals. For the Taurus, in particular, the material aspect of life is of great importance and none of them forgets to cultivate the relationship with money.

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