7 reasons that prevent you from breaking a story that is now over

Admitting that a story is over is never easy. Because you invested in that person, you gave him your heart and soul, you made plans and you even changed your life habits.

Unfortunately, love can end and what remains is a mixture of sadness, regret, anger and disappointment. It is useless to drag the situation, usually things do not improve, on the contrary. Do not waste time, do not ruminate, do not be stubborn and, above all, don't be afraid to change.

If you too are struggling with a relationship that has now come to an end, you will find yourself in these reasons that prevent you from making a clean break in history. Learn to recognize them and distance yourself from them. You always have time to turn around and seek your happiness.

1- I don't want to hurt him

Hurting someone is never beautiful, even more so if the one you have to hit is a person you loved. To the past. Precisely. Now you don't love her anymore and the passion, the feeling, the involvement cannot be pretended for long. Take courage in both hands and be honest. For you and for him.

See also

Finished love: how to understand when a story is over

How to make yourself wanted in 7 steps

Sleeping together: the reasons why it is good for the couple

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2 - I have a story

Which these days is not to be underestimated. But not to be overestimated either. Rather than carrying on a relationship that has now reached its minimum terms, re-evaluate the possibility of being alone, of taking back your space, of not having to answer to anyone and not having to endure habits of a person who is no longer in your heart.

3 - I loved it so much

Of course, we don't question it. But if you talk in the past tense there will be a reason, right? And the past, however rich in beautiful memories, is not enough to guarantee you a happy future. Especially if the present is so full of doubts ...

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4 - I will not find better

It may be, but it may also be that instead you find the man of your life or that you begin to appreciate the fact of being single and the newfound freedom!

5 - It guarantees me a standard of living that alone I could not afford

Finding someone who allows you to live life exactly the way you've always wanted is not the only option available to you.The other? May it be you yourself who earn and achieve this goal. You will be doubly gratified because you will know that it is only your own merit.

6 - Who leaves the old road for the new ...

We know how the proverb ends. But it is also true that life is full of new opportunities, you just need to know how to seize them. Do not therefore think that the new road is necessarily impervious and uphill, it could be quite the opposite. Dare.

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7 - I don't deserve better

And who says it? Nobody knows you better than yourself and only you can recognize your worth. Don't be afraid to be ambitious in your feelings and want the best; if you can imagine it, it's because you deserve it.

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