The dependence on the noise of the hairdryer affects many young people. But why?

It is not madness, but a real "fashion": a trend that unites many young people and which is also reflected on social media, where a boy has published a 60-minute video dedicated to the noise of the hairdryer. In what sense? A video that shows a hairdryer in operation for 60 minutes. This is because keeping it on really has a cost, especially if 1 hour turns into 8, 10 or so on, with all the consequent risks. And it wasn't the only one: just search for "phon noise" on Youtube to find many videos like this:

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Noise of the hairdryer: but why do you like it so much?

There is an explanation: the noise of the hairdryer, that constant sound that always maintains the same tone, is to be considered a white noise, a white sound, as well as the noise of the wind, the rain and the sound of the sea. Dr. Ivana Siena has made an in-depth study of it by publishing an article on, and highlighting how many young people claim that this type of noise is one of those that do not distract the brain, on the contrary, help it to relax and concentrate. , the hair dryer is turned on by many children while they are studying or before falling asleep, remaining on for hours, with all the due risks of overheating.
Apparently, moreover, this noise refers to the intrauterine ones, which we unconsciously listened to when we were still in the womb. According to some psychological theories, this could in some way represent problems of emancipation from parental figures, in particular the maternal one:

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The dependence on the noise of the hairdryer

In short, it has been found that many children develop an addiction to the noise of the hairdryer, which can turn into a real chronic form with consequences such as: risk of fires; very high electricity bills; health risks. But above all, like any addiction, the one from the sound of the hairdryer can negatively affect a person's daily life. For this reason, it is always good to contact specialists who can support those at risk.

Tags:  Love-E-Psychology Parenthood Actuality