Cabbage: properties and benefits of the most nutritious and healthy vegetable

Rich in properties and benefits, cabbage is one of the most nutritious and healthy vegetables, able to act on the well-being of the body on several fronts. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying, cabbage is rich in minerals, calcium and iron, so much so that , precisely for this last property, it represents the main substitute for meat in the diets of vegetarians and vegans. It helps digestion, helps keep blood pressure under control and is good for the immune system.

Below we will try to illustrate the properties, benefits and ways of using cabbage to make the most of its qualities and benefit from it for your physical well-being.

The various types of cabbage and the characteristics of each of them

There are different types of cabbage, each of which is characterized by specific properties and nutritional values: here is explained in detail the various types of cabbage present in nature and the qualities of each of them.

In addition to the classic cabbage, or with green hood, particularly rich in potassium, calcium and phosphorus, and which includes among its qualities those listed above, there are other variants of this miraculous vegetable with a thousand properties.

Red cabbage: it is rich in mineral salts and vitamins, in particular vitamin C which, combined with beta-carotene, represents a perfect mix to protect coronary arteries and prevent heart disease.

The black cabbage, also called kale: it is rich in antioxidant substances that prevent the onset of tumors, in particular of the colon, rectum and bladder, moreover the large amount of vitamin C and mineral salts of which it is composed helps to improve digestion and to act against viruses and inflammation.

Savoy cabbage: it is rich in vitamins A, C and K and contains a large amount of mineral salts, including potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur. It has beneficial effects on digestion and is a valuable aid against constipation.

The broccoli cabbage: it is rich in mineral salts and vitamins, in particular vitamin C and those of group B, and is an antioxidant and highly purifying food.

Brussels sprouts: rich in minerals, primarily calcium and phosphorus, and vitamins, are an excellent aid against anemia and play a fundamental role against free radicals, thanks to their antioxidant and detoxifying power.

White cauliflower, or white cabbage: is one of the most common and used varieties of cabbage; like the previous types, white cabbage also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, rich in minerals and vitamins. Moreover, it has a very low caloric content and a high satiating power.

See also

Lemon: properties and benefits of the detox food par excellence

Ginger: properties and benefits of a miracle plant

Quinoa: properties and benefits of a phenomenal plant

Cabbage: properties, benefits and the most effective uses for the health of the organism

As already mentioned, there are many properties enjoyed by cabbage, undoubtedly one of the most nutritious and healthy vegetables for our body.

First of all, cabbage is a valid natural anti-inflammatory: thanks to the quantity of mineral salts and vitamins of which it is composed, cabbage plays the role of a perfect detoxifier and is able to eliminate toxins, thus representing a strong anticancer food, especially against certain types of cancer, including breast, colon and bladder. Always for the same reasons, it helps to strengthen the immune system and acts as a flaming agent in case of viruses and infections of various kinds.

Thanks to the large amount of flavonoids present in it, cabbage helps to prevent premature aging and to act against free radicals. But not only! The presence of fiber helps regulate digestion and intestinal activity, as well as a correct functioning of the heart. In fact, thanks to the amino acids of which it is rich, cabbage helps to keep blood pressure low, representing a valid help against hypertension.