Spring fatigue: symptoms and remedies to better cope with the change of season

Spring fatigue arrives on time every year and its symptoms are infamous: problems with insomnia, difficulty concentrating, headaches, mood swings, light and dark cycles.
But what are the most suitable remedies to face the change of season and find the right psycho-physical balance?

Below we start spoiling you with some little tricks to combat tiredness and exhaustion in a simple way. Here are 5 easy remedies to introduce immediately into your daily life!

And now let's move on to take care of the most effective remedies to specifically note the fatigue that affects us during the spring!

See also

Chronic fatigue: symptoms, causes and most effective remedies

Swollen eyes: causes, symptoms and remedies

Winter fatigue: 5 remedies to combat it

The first remedy for spring fatigue? A "healthy diet

A "correct diet can be an excellent remedy to treat the symptoms of spring fatigue. Among the foods to be favored are those rich in vitamins. Legumes, vegetables and whole grains offer a fundamental supply of vitamin B, while citrus fruits, kiwis, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables are used to fill up on vitamin C.
Choose foods rich in proteins such as white meat, eggs, tofu and nuts, limiting carbohydrates: only in this way will you be able to feel energetic for longer. Fill up on iron and omega 3 (contained in fish) to feel more responsive.
Finally, in times of need, rely on particularly energizing foods: royal jelly, ginseng ... to discover all the foods against fatigue, take a look at our gallery!

See also: Foods against fatigue: the perfect foods to fight it

© ISTOCK Foods against fatigue: royal jelly

Spring fatigue: natural and non-natural supplements

Supplements can help us fight spring fatigue by providing our body with the substances it needs most to cope with the change of season. Magnesium-based ones will be very useful, against irritability and weakness. If you don't consume enough fruit and vegetables, you can always use vitamin C-based supplements. Equally useful potassium and calcium, especially if you love sports.

As a natural remedy, try to prepare a decoction based on birch leaves with a detoxifying effect, or, if yours is a mainly mental fatigue, focus on Bach flowers and relaxation is guaranteed!

The movement to combat the fatigue of the change of season

Exercising is a fundamental remedy to help our body come out of winter hibernation. Say goodbye to sedentary life and take advantage of the first beautiful days to go for a run or a bit of brisk walking. The sun is a natural antidepressant and you won't have to spend money on the gym! Just half an hour of cardio training a day is enough to increase your your energy level and improve mood.

If you prefer, you can also train comfortably at home. Try to follow the exercises suggested in the video: they are simple, fast and do not require much space ... perfect for training even while watching TV!

Healthy habits against spring fatigue

Finally, to remedy the symptoms of spring fatigue, just take the following healthy habits:

  • No more alcohol and junk snacks! The glycemic spikes from all that sugar will make you feel energetic in the moment, but then make you feel more tired than before.
  • Don't forget to drink, and a lot too. Hydration is essential to no longer suffer from asthenia and chronic fatigue.
  • Try not to go to bed too late and, if you can, treat yourself to a "power nap", an afternoon nap of 20-30 minutes, very useful to recharge your batteries.