Did you know you have the foot of Venus? Only if the second finger is like this!

Venus, goddess of love, fertility and beauty. This irresistible goddess is associated with anomalies (for example the so-called "Venus dimples") and among these the foot of Venus (or Greek foot) that Botticelli represents so well The characteristic of this type of foot is that the second toe is longer than the big toe. Although traced back to ancient Greece, and reproduced on the most ancient and famous stature, this type of foot is still existing today and affects about 20% of the population. Yet today it would not be natural to associate it with the Goddess of Beauty, and instead ...

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Because Venus was depicted with the second longest finger

Did you know that for some it is the most aesthetically beautiful type of foot, so much so that it is nicknamed "model foot"? According to the aesthetic canons of the past, having the second finger longer makes the entire figure of the human body more harmonious and proportionate. In short, it is the foot of desires (safe for fetishists but not only), to show off and take care of in all ways. In addition, those with Greek foot could wear any type of shoe without running into particular problems, as this tapered shape can dare the narrow toe. Alternatively, however, you can watch the video and solve any problems anyway:

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Where does the foot of Venus come from

It was only in the early 1900s that an American orthopedist studied the phenomenon of the second toe and called it Morton's Toe (Morton's finger). It would seem, according to Morton's theories, that this characteristic finger would actually be a legacy of primitive men, as well as color blindness or the coccyx, and that at the time it had a specific function: it served to facilitate the passage from one tree to another .

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