Test: in a relationship are you the one who runs away, who stays or who chases?

If the saying "in love who flies wins" is true, what a famous song says is also true: "there are no laws in love, just be who you are, leave the door of your heart open". What happens though? Which is exactly who you are that determines the quality of your love relationships, and often we choose the partner who meets our needs, which is not necessarily summarized in the classic "and they lived happily ever after". In fact, not infrequently faced with a stable situation we have the instinct to flee, thus sabotaging ourselves an important story; or we prefer to look for someone to chase, and therefore elusive, rather than someone who simply makes us calm. Ultimately, the story it's not easy. But how much is love good for? If you watch this video you will find out:

Test: in a relationship are you the one who runs away, who stays or who chases?

Throwing yourself headlong into the wrong relationship and then having the excuse to get out of it, chasing the first one who "forgets" to respond to the message after the first kiss, or being instead with your love in a difficult relationship but made of trust and respect: I am options. You may have lived them all, but which of these really represents you? Take the test and find out, here:

See also

Jealousy test: how "bad" is what you feel?

Test: which of the protagonists of Friends are you?

Personality and color test: which one reflects yours the most?

Do you want to know more about the subject? Take the test and based on the movie you choose, find out something about yourself and find out what your love affairs are like!

Tags:  Old-Luxury Women-Of-Today Star