When fitness becomes an obsession: here are the #fitmom

The first was Maria Kang, an American and fitness enthusiast.
Three children, an athletic body and the words "What" s your excuse? ".

© mariakang

Even if we will never know how old the baby is in the center of the photo (and it makes us feel so, very badly), we know that Maria has started the #FitMom phenomenon, or new mothers or pregnant women ready to juggle. between diapers and abdominals.
The rules? Organic, fat-free and sugar-free food; intensive training until shortly before childbirth and immediately after; a cascade of selfies to document.

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© instagram: shakira.akabusi

What may seem ridiculous or exaggerated to you is, however, a source of inspiration for Fit Moms, always able to find a way to get back in shape. Even if it means spending less time with your baby.

© instagram: fitmomsinspiration

To have climbed the "Olympus of Fit Mom c" is Chontel Duncan, a recently pregnant model who proudly shows her tummy on Instagram. What she has after 35 weeks of gestation, we have after a couple of hours at sushi All you Can Eat.
Chontel is the nemesis of Julie Bhosale, a New Zealand nutritionist, creator of the My Real Postpartum Body project.

© instagram - chontelduncan

It is essential to understand the difference between passion and obsession. Physical training stimulates the production of endorphins: if we train we are happier. Practicing a sport, running or going to the gym can become a passion, and is able to help us lead a healthier existence and, at the same time, serene.
Trying to get back in shape after pregnancy is not wrong, on the contrary: there are an infinite number of simple and effective exercises to reduce the postpartum belly.
The obsession, however, has nothing to do with a healthier lifestyle.
Psychotherapist Serenella Ricci commented on the phenomenon of Fit Moms:

There is no need to demonize physical activity, which is always good for body and mind and can help a woman feel good even when she is pregnant. But when it becomes just a way to shape your body at will and keep it so lean in one phase delicate as that of pregnancy then the discussion changes. These people seem to want to pursue a dream of perfection, completely losing sight of the rest. And compromising their health

© instagram - chontelduncan

One day after the Caesarean delivery, Chontel began a high-intensity workout.
He probably cheered when he finished his last set of crunches.
Surely, she did not witness her son's porridge to feed his vanity.