Blasi-Toffanin at Michelle's wedding. The best photos of the two friends on social media!

They were among the main protagonists of the wedding of Michelle Hunziker and Tomaso Trussardi, celebrated on 10 October (here you can see all the photos). Their impeccable and refined outfits overshadowed all the other women present on the Swiss presenter's yes day. We are talking about Ilary Blasi and Silvia Toffanin, who presented themselves as a couple at the most anticipated wedding of the year, because in addition to being two of the most loved faces on Italian television, they are also two great friends.

Refined and discreet Silvia, tight in a splendid midnight blue dress, more fashion and glamorous Ilary, who chose glitter, the two presenters documented their day at Michelle's wedding via social media, including selfies, official photos and nice and funny shots . Here they are, for example, take a trip to the motorway restaurant after the ceremony and dedicate yourself to a late night snack like two little girls after an evening at the disco.

But the one between Ilary and Silvia is a "solid and sincere friendship that lasts over the years: the two presenters in fact met at the beginning of 2000 at the transmission. Word of mouth, where they both participated in the role of the famous letters. The agreement was born immediately and, despite their paths divided, the friendship was maintained and consolidated more and more, a very rare case in the entertainment world.

Here are the best moments of the two friends on Michelle's wedding day.

Silvia and Ilary allow themselves a stop at a motorway restaurant after the ceremony ...