Dear mothers, we have listened to you. And we found that ...

In collaboration with Chicco

It's all true, and we mothers know it well. However, how many times do we happen to stop for a moment and ask ourselves: “what about me?”. The moments for ourselves have inevitably been reduced, no doubt, but others have been born, equally special: those with our children!
We have listened to you and… yes, you are right! We experience it ourselves every day on our skin. For this reason we have decided to launch a project that will help us rediscover the little joys of everyday life: who said that the time we spend with our adorable mini-me isn't just as beautiful and exciting? alfemminile, in collaboration with Chicco, invites you to share the moments you have created with your children, your precious wemoment.
We will collect your experiences in themes united by different hashtags, which will accompany us for the next few months:

© iStock See also

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1. #WESLEEP: there is nothing sweeter than a child who peacefully indulges in sleep.

What are your rituals? What do your children like? Have you already found the magic formula to accompany your little ones into the world of dreams, or are you still in an experimental phase? When reading the story, who falls asleep first? You or your baby? Let's talk about it together: we will discover together many #wemoment that will have nothing to envy to a relaxing hot bath (or almost ...).

2. #WEHUG: cuddling, cuddling, cuddling ...

Pamper yourself, but also let yourself be pampered. Children like to imitate and reciprocate: caresses are not one way, children know it. Are your parents also starting to make the first awkward attempts at caresses? Sometimes we are in a hurry, but we would like to find together a way to carve out a #wemoment made of pampering every day. In the Latvian in the morning before you leave for the office? In the evening to slow down in anticipation of bedtime? Or during the bath?

3. #WEWALK: from the first struggling little steps to running together: "Mom, now I decide where to go!"

How to get through the tumble and the first skinned knees unscathed? Learning to celebrate every little big milestone and to be rewarded, because yes, he has learned to walk, but you have given him the confidence to be able to do it with courage. Do you remember the first steps of your children? Or maybe you are waiting for them at any moment? Tell us what made them special, what made them #wemoment

4. #WEFEED: even the baby food is an achievement!

A path, sometimes simple and sometimes a bit torturous, that all mothers have faced (or are about to face!). Learning to decipher the tastes of children is an unpredictable operation, but if handled with serenity, it can also be fun. Having a lover of baby food in the family or a fan of fusilli al ragù is something to discover day after day, between attempts, some mistakes, and a lot of satisfactions. We can't wait to read your tricks (and maybe even some tasty recipes!). Because in the end - let's face it - once you have identified the tastes of your little one, for your mother you may be a bad cook, but for your child you will be better than Chef Cracco himself!

5. #WESING: that is, the art of optimization.

Someone said “it's not the destination, but the journey that counts”. In our opinion he had no children! ☺ But, in the end, we believe that he has some reason. Making car trips with the little ones is the order of the day: from the short ones to go to school to the longer ones that take us to vacation spots. Being able to make them a pleasant moment is up to us. What are your tricks? Do you invent games or do you improvise stage star and sing out loud his and your favorite songs? One thing is certain: children do not care if you are out of tune or if you do not keep the rhythm, for them it will be pure fun (and you have the excuse to sing "pasito pasito" without fear of exposing yourself to the opinions of others)!

© Chicco

6. #WEEXPLORE: in the city, in the countryside, alone or in a crowd at rush hour ...

Going for a walk with a child is not just about moving from point A to point B, but it means experiencing a full-blown adventure. Trees and leaves become the homes of gnomes, passers-by are companions for a quick chat (if they then respond with a smile to your kind baby's rattles, they become heroes!). Uh, have you seen the gentleman with the umbrella? It's a special shield against ice cream-eating flies! What can you come up with to make traveling a moment of your own? Room for imagination!

7. #WEPLAY: ready to play?

Those who turn off the phone and are not there for anyone, because the game is a serious matter! Those who manage to entertain their children even during a call with the office. Our myths are those who have been able to invent the "tidying game": the child has fun and in the meantime tidies up his room. Great esteem! What's your favorite game? How do you entertain children on a rainy day, or when they have a fever and need to stay indoors? But above all, how to do it while having fun? We bet you have a lot of tricks to teach us!

You will be the protagonist of our story.

alfemminile will offer you the opportunity to compare yourself with other mothers, and to tell your story and all your "wemoments". But not only that, some blogger mothers of our community will be involved in this exchange of ideas and will give us many little surprises.
Look for the yellow color on our Facebook page and take a seat at the alfemminile round table to share your experiences as a mom.

© Alfemminile

We want you, together with the other mothers, to compose this story. On our Facebook page, find the special color dedicated to the project: yellow. It is a color that will invite you to tell and compare yourself with many other mothers like you.
We will be there to listen to you and learn. All the experiences that we have collected will be transformed into a printable collection, of which you can become the protagonist.
