Red spots on the face: 4 causes and their remedies

Red patches around the mouth, eyes and nose, and in general irritated and red skin: even if many skin irregularities can be hidden with a good concealer and a covering foundation, the real problem is not solved.

When we remove the make-up in the evening, the red spots are still present, sometimes even more evident than in the morning. This is usually caused by an incorrect skin care routine.

To get rid of the annoying red spots on the face, you must first find out the cause. Only then can the right care products and advice be of great help. Now we will tell you the most common reasons that generate red spots on the face and the best tips to get rid of them.

But first, here is a video in which to discover the perfect cream concealer to use to cover red spots and have a perfect complexion.

1. Red spots on the face due to acne

Acne affects redness of the face much more than you might think, let's not forget that acne is also the most common skin disease in the world. It is usually caused by a hormonal change, which is why teenagers are particularly affected.

The sebaceous glands produce too much secretion during the adolescent period, and if on the one hand it keeps the skin and hair elastic, on the other it manifests itself with unsightly rashes on the face. The glands can become clogged and inflamed easily, following this overproduction. result: annoying and painful pimples, pustules and blackheads.

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If it is youth hormone-induced acne, the healing process can take a long time. Until then, red spots and bumps are likely to still be visible, especially around the mouth, chin or back.

Warning: in addition to hormonal changes, there are a number of other factors that can cause acne and make pimples appear. Among these there are also various drugs, such as cortisone-based preparations and psychotropic drugs, cosmetic products containing paraffins, smoking , and in general too much stress.

Excessive consumption of milk and sugar (for example in the form of chocolate) can aggravate the acne situation on the face.

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What to do to cure acne?

If you have severe inflammatory acne, you should always get it checked by a dermatologist. The dermatologist usually prescribes antibiotics or a cortisone-based treatment to stop the inflammation.

If you want to cure mild acne and red spots, you should first get rid of oil-based creams and all cleansers with surfactants in the formula. Benozyl peroxide they are among the most effective to help kill bacteria and soothe inflamed skin, however make sure that only the areas of the face that are actually affected by acne are actually treated so that healthy skin is not unnecessarily irritated.
> See all products with Benozyl peroxide

What to absolutely avoid in order not to make the situation worse? Squeeze pimples with your fingers, cleanse the skin too aggressively or cover blemishes with too much makeup without letting them breathe.

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2. Rosacea and red spots on the face

Does the list of creams you use get longer and longer because your skin is going crazy? Don't worry, even in this case you are not alone. In fact, it is estimated that 25% of the Italian population suffers from skin hypersensitivity and most are women.

One of the ailments that most afflicts the female people is a chronic skin disease called Rosacea. In most cases, the redness and burning that this phenomenon involves occur around the age of 30. The cause is to be found in a disturbance of the defense mechanisms of the organism itself and a defect in the control of blood vessels.

Normally our nerves cause blood vessels to dilate (e.g. in heat) or constrict (e.g. in cold weather). In rosaceaInstead, the skin reacts in a hypersensitive way to stimuli such as heat and cold, stress, alcohol or cosmetics. The skin begins to itch and burn, eventually forming red spots and visible veins.

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How To Improve Rosacea Affected Skin?

In addition to treatment by your doctor, there are some tips that can help with the red spots caused by rosacea. Facial care plays an important role. To maintain the natural skin barrier, you should start using soap-free, pH-neutral cleansing products right away. Aggressive skin care products containing alcohol or very oily creams are to be avoided.

Also make sure you keep your face as cool as possible. In other words: Avoid high temperatures, hot showers, saunas, and spicy foods to prevent new rosacea attacks. Creams with vitamin B3 that reduces irritation are the most suitable for relieving discomfort.

> Anti-blemish vitamin B3 cream for € 16 on Amazon

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3. Dermatitis on the lip contour

Have you noticed small reddish spots and pustules on your face that not even the most expensive cream can get rid of? It is time to radically change your beauty routine in all its different care phases for a few days.

If you apply too many skin care products, it can break the natural barrier. The skin dries up, dries up and red spots appear, mostly around the mouth and eyes. The good news is that so-called perioral dermatitis is neither contagious nor dangerous.

What to do?

Your skin is clamoring for targeted care and should be kept away from any makeup product for a few days. Pustules and red spots often get worse in the first few days, so some patience is needed. However, after a few weeks of cosmetic abstinence, the dermatitis around the lips will disappear completely.

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4. Red spots on the face due to heat

Do you get small red spots on your skin when you have taken too much sun or start to sweat? Then it could be the so-called heat spots. They usually appear when we sweat a lot and clog the ducts of the sweat glands.

The resulting blisters can appear all over the body and not only visually disturb most people, but can also cause annoying itching.

However, as annoying as itchy pimples are, they should not be touched because otherwise such a small pimple can quickly turn into a "painful" inflammation.

Tip: If the itching is severe, just tap the area with your fingertips.

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Effective remedies:

Cold or cool can work wonders for light heat spots. Here's what to do: take off your sweaty clothes and get in the shade. Make cold compresses to relieve discomfort. If the itching is very severe, doctors often recommend antihistamines or anti-inflammatory ointments (e.g. hydrocortisone).

To avoid red spots and heat spots right from the start, sensitive skin should not be exposed to the sun for too long and without adequate sun protection. Particularly practical are the transparent protective sprays, which can also be applied to make-up on the go. Lightweight cotton clothing and light, not-too-warm bedding can also help prevent pimples.

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