The zodiac signs after the quarantine

There is still a bit of the end of the quarantine caused by the Coronavirus, but with spring blooming luxuriantly outside the windows, it is impossible not to think about what we will do as soon as we can get out.
Get everyone back together, go out, party, get back to work and plan a trip. How much do we miss all of this?
Here is what the horoscope says about the end of quarantine and what the zodiac signs will do as soon as they can return to normal:

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: parties and gallant dates for the Fire signs

Find the right event, prepare for hours and seduce. The fire signs miss parties and evenings in company, preferably two. It doesn't matter if single or couple, the fire signs can't wait to have an appointment full-blown romantic with the person they love, complete with dinner, party and ... happy ending

See also

Chinese zodiac signs: what are their characteristics

New zodiac signs: what they are and what their meaning is

The symbols of the zodiac signs: the meaning of the astrological glyphs

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: recovery of all backlog

Days of arrest and overdue work. The earth signs, always so organized, have seen their certainties waver in this particular moment: home, family, savings. That's why as soon as they return to normal they will try to recover their strength from a financial and work point of view!

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: trips and travels!

The air signs, deprived of their freedom to know, explore, discover, suffer terribly. They usually have flights booked until the following year: short weekend getaways around Europe, holidays in exotic and mysterious places and trips in the nearby cities to discover traditions. This is why they can't wait to book their next trip!

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: long walks in nature

A walk by the sea, a picnic in the mountains, a day in the countryside. the water signs feel the need to get in touch with nature, meditate, feel the sun on the skin and put their feet in the water, rejoining their element.

Tags:  Marriage Parenthood Old-Luxury