Phrases about children: the most beautiful to dedicate a special thought

Words for a grown child become less and less tender and moving and are often just missing. With these phrases about children we want to emphasize that love should always be manifested, and even if it evolves over time, it never ceases to exist. For this reason we have reported many phrases about children: dedications, love phrases, thoughts for a distant child and also aphorisms for mother and child.
Before you read them all, check out this parenting and guilt-themed video.

Quotes about children: what you have never been able to tell him

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life itself.
(Khalil Gibran)

Life is a flame that gradually burns out, but which catches fire every time a child is born.
(George Bernard Shaw)

Children are beyond the threshold of anyone's safe understanding, at least when they are between the ages of 18 months and 90 years.
(James Thurber)

The best way to advise your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do so.
(Harry S. Truman)

No matter how severe a father is in judging his son, he will never be so severe as a son who judges his father.
(Enrique Jardiel Poncela)

If you want your kids to be smart, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be smarter, read them more fairy tales.
(Albert Einstein)

The father is always a Republican towards his son, while his mother is always a Democrat.
(Robert Frost)

There are only two inexhaustible legacies that we must hope to pass on to our children: wings and roots.
(Harding Carter)

There has never been a child so adorable that his mother was not happy to put him to sleep.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Childhood is not simply a time of preparation for life, as we are often led to think of for our children, but it is already life itself.
(Peter Rosegger)

It is easier to build strong children than to mend broken men.
(Frederick Douglass)

Children start out by loving their parents, later they judge them. They rarely, if ever, forgive them.
(Oscar Wilde)

See also

Test: how many children will you have? Answer the questions and find out

Cyberbullying: what it is and how can we intervene to protect our children

Difficult adolescence: learning to manage children at this stage of life

Dedications of love for a son or daughter

The right time to influence a child's character is about one hundred years before his birth.
(William Ralph Inge)

Wrinkles are hereditary. Parents get them from their children.
Wrinkles are hereditary. Parents take them from their children.
(Doris Day)

When a child is born you never know who you put in the house.
(Achille Campanile)

Don't raise your children as your parents did with you; they were born for a different era.
(ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib)

Before I got married, I had six theories about raising children. Now, I have six children and no theory.
(John Wilmot)

Life is a flame that gradually burns out, but which catches fire every time a child is born.
(George Bernard Shaw)

Some of our children are our justifications, others are just our regrets.
(Khalil Gibran)

When you are teaching your child, you are teaching your child's child.
(Talmud - Sacred text of Judaism)

Parents need to be trustworthy, not perfect. Children must be happy, do not make us happy.
(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Children do not listen to their parents' experience and nations ignore history. Bad lessons always have to be learned from scratch.
(Albert Einstein)

There is no better investment for any community than putting milk into babies.
(Winston Churchill)

If parents could only understand how bored their children are.
(George Bernard Shaw)

A man who receives the embrace of his children even when his hands are empty: here is a truly truly rich man.

When a father gives to his son, they both laugh; when a child gives to his father, they both cry.
(William Shakespeare)

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Big or small, celebrate them with these phrases about children

We have three things left of paradise: the stars, the flowers and the children.
(Dante Alighieri)

Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example rather than his advice.
(Charles F Kettering)

Children are the anchors of a mother's life.

Love the children that Providence sends you; but love them with true, deep, severe love; not of unnerved, unreasonable, blind love, which is selfishness for you, ruin for them.
(Giuseppe Mazzini)

The children soften the efforts, but they make the misfortunes more bitter; they increase the worries of life, but mitigate the memory of death.
(Francesco Bacon)

You can learn many things from children: for example, all the patience you have.
(Franklin P. Jones)

A wise parent lets children make mistakes. It is good that once in a while you burn your fingers.
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Giving your child a skill is better than giving him a thousand gold coins.
(Chinese proverb)

It is not the flesh and blood, but the heart that makes us fathers and children.
(Friedrich Schiller)

You can learn more from your children than they learn from you. Through you they know a world that is now past, you in them discover a new one that is being born.
(Friedrich Rückert)

Children always have a rebellious desire to be disappointed by what fascinated their fathers.
(Aldous Huxley)

All grown-ups were children once, but few of them remember it.
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Be careful to leave your children well educated rather than rich, because the hopes of the educated are better than the wealth of the ignorant.

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
(Henry Ward Beecher)

If you can only give your children a gift, let it be enthusiasm.
(Bruce Barton)

Quotes about children: an indissoluble bond binds you

Those who educate children well should be more respected than those who do them; the former only give them life, the latter the art of living well.

The only love I truly believe in is that of a mother for her children.
(Karl Lagerfeld)

It is a wise son who knows his father.

To an aging father, nothing is dearer than a daughter.

Everyone must expect from their children what they have given their parents.

The words that have poisoned the heart of a child, spoken out of meanness or ignorance, settle in the memory and leave an indelible mark.
(Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

When parents do too much for their children, it turns out that their children will not do enough for themselves.
(Elbert Hubbard)

Mothers, of course, are right. They pay their son's bills and don't bother him. Fathers, on the other hand, annoy their son and never pay his bills.
(Oscar Wilde)

Fathers and sons have much more consideration for each other than mothers and daughters do.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Children are continually intoxicated: intoxicated with living.
(Paul-Jean Toulet)

Children are still the symbol of the eternal marriage between love and duty.
(George Eliot)

Children of every generation are taught to want what their parents were taught that they shouldn't have.
(Robin George Collingwood)

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
(Native American proverb)

Son, brother, father, lover, friend. There is a room in the heart for all loved ones, just as there is a room in the sky for all the stars.
(Victor Hugo)

Each beetle is a gazelle in the eyes of its mother.
(Arabic proverb)

We can't always forge the future for our young people, but we can forge our young people for the future.
(Franklin Roosevelt)

Generally the mother, more than loving the child, loves herself in the child.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

We don't know what a parent's love for a child is until we become parents ourselves.
(Harriet Beecher Stowe)

Phrases about children to emphasize their importance

If you want your child to walk honorably through the world, you must not clear his path of stones, but teach him to walk stably on them. Do not insist on guiding him by taking him by the hand, but allow him to learn to go alone.
(Anne Brontë)

Children find everything in nothing, men find nothing in everything.
(Giacomo Leopardi)

A baby should be raised on milk and approval.
(Charles Lamb)

The most ferocious beings are disarmed when they caress their children.
(Victor Hugo)

We cannot form the minds of our children according to our concepts; but we must keep and love them as God has given them to us.
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Let our children grow tall, and some taller than others if they are able to.
(Margaret Thatcher)

Some things are not done out of courage, they are done only to look more serenely in the eyes of their children and the children of our children.
(Carlo Alberto from the Church)

It takes twenty years for a woman to make her child a man, and twenty minutes for another woman to make an idiot.

Families with children and families without children pity each other.
(E. W. Howe)

Making your children capable of being honest is the principle of education.
(John Ruskin)

Because God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, and whoever believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.
(Jesus Christ)

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Parents who expect gratitude from their children (and there are some who even demand it) are like those usurers who willingly risk capital to collect interest.
(Franz Kafka)

Educate children and it will not be necessary to punish men.

There is no great discovery or progress in this world that holds, as long as there is even a single sad child.
(Albert Einstein)

It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.
(Pope John XXIII)

Adults never understand anything for themselves and it is a bore that children are always forced to explain things to them.
(Antoine De Saint Exupéry)

Children are like kites: you will teach them to fly, but they will not fly your flight. You will teach them to dream, but they will not dream your dream. You will teach them to live, but they will not live your life. But in every flight, in every dream and in every life, the imprint of the teaching received will remain forever.
(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

What supports the clay pedestal of the world is the pure breath of your children.
(Chinese proverb)

Among what one has, I have not counted his wife and children, since from these it is better to say that one is possessed.
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

You are alarmed to see him spend his first few years doing nothing. Like! Is it nothing to be happy? Is it nothing to jump, play, run all day? Never in his life will he be so busy again.
(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Children must be educated, but it is also necessary that they educate themselves.
(Ernest Dimnet)

When a man realizes that perhaps his father was right, he usually already has a son who thinks he is wrong.
(Charles Wadsworth)

Reflections, aphorisms and phrases about children

Some mothers need unhappy children, otherwise their goodness as mothers cannot manifest itself.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Aunts, mothers and sisters have special jurisprudence for their grandchildren, their children and their brothers.
(Honoré de Balzac)

Yesterday passed. Tomorrow is yet to come. We only have today. If we help our children to be what they should be today, they will have the courage to face life with more love.
(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Whoever has a wife and children has given hostages to fortune; in fact they are impediments to great enterprises, whether they are virtuous or unfair. Surely the best and most valuable works for the community come from men without wives and children who, both by affection and by means, have married the community, offering it their dowry.
(Francesco Bacon)

When a newborn first squeezes his father's finger in his small fist, he has captured him forever.
(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

In life you have to do three things: have a child, write a book, plant a tree.
(Called Zen)

Make it quick to enjoy your children and make them enjoy you, swallow all joy without delay: no one assures you tonight is too long a postponement, no one this hour.
(Lucio Anneo Seneca)

Grandchildren are children when we want them; children are in spite of us.

As soon as a woman has a child, she still loves the man only as much as he loves her son.
(Friedrich Hebbel)

When a woman is twenty, a child deforms her; when he is thirty, he keeps it; when she is forty it rejuvenates her.
(Léon Blum)

What the father has kept silent takes word in the son; and I have often found that the son was nothing but the father's naked secret.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

No one should be foolish enough to choose war over peace. In peace children bury their fathers, but in war the fathers bury their children.

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