Do you remember "mythical Matilda 6"? Let's get ready for his return!

If we think back to the films that have positively marked our childhood, we cannot fail to mention “Matilda 6 mythical”. A 1996 film, directed by Denny De Vito, was born as a film adaptation of the childhood novel by Rohald Dahl. Soon, we will be able to see it once again in theaters in a new and revisited version. The idea comes from a collaboration between Netflix and Sony. The two giants, in fact, would have put a film in the pipeline which, however, draws inspiration from the theatrical musical. Among the actors hired Ralph Fiennes, the interpreter of Lord Voldemort, who will play the role of Miss Trinciabue and the great Emma Stone, chosen for the role of Miss Honey. We are no longer in the skin!

And to immerse ourselves completely in the 90's atmosphere, here is a roundup of toys that we all loved to spend whole afternoons with.

The story of a special little girl who has inspired entire generations

“Matilda's young mind continued to flourish, fed by the voices of those writers who had sent their books around the world like ships across the sea. From these books a message of hope and comfort came to Matilda: you are not alone "

At the center of it all is Matilda, a special little girl whose wings are constantly clipped by a dysfunctional family made up of mother, father and brother. The house, that safe place where everyone, especially a child, should feel protected, is actually a prison for Matilda. However, she is not discouraged and finds refuge in reading, a practice completely misunderstood by her relatives who spend hours and hours lobotomized in front of the television. "In my opinion, girls should think about being beautiful, more than about education. The physical aspect is more important than books ". This is the distorted teaching that Mrs. Dalverme, an extremely superficial woman, tries to pass on to her daughter. Fortunately, Matilda does not allow herself to be manipulated by the corrupt attitudes she witnesses within the walls of her home, on the contrary, this awakens in her a strong sense of justice. Her combative attitude does not abandon her even at school. There, as in the fairy tales she reads, she is forced to clash with other villains, personified by the perfidious Signorina Trinciabue, the principal of her school. In the end, in fact, it will be this extraordinary girl. , ah I almost forgot, Matilda is endowed with superpowers, to defend her companions from the abuses of a woman who, on the contrary, should embody the principles of education and respect.

During the narrative, there is a generational clash, whereby the protagonist divides the world clearly in half: on the one hand, the evil and obtuse adults, on the other the children, pure and virtuous beings. At the same time, the conflict also affects the dimension of values, so much so that, at least at the beginning, Matilda lives in a reality in which cunning seems to prevail over honesty.

Finally, not only the books will save this unconventional child, but the meeting with a loving teacher who acts as a counterbalance to Miss Trinciabue. It is Miss Honey, a surname that echoes the sweetness of the woman. She is the only adult to notice the immense potential of Matilda and the one who will finally free her from an oppressive condition, deciding to adopt her.

Matilda is a story designed to inspire generations of girls and, why not, boys, to those who are the authentic values ​​to be pursued in life: intelligence, moral integrity and altruism. A story that, however, can teach a lot even to adults. This is why we still like it so much, even after many years.

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