40th birthday phrases: the most innovative wishes to dedicate

The fortieth birthday is an important milestone for each of us: from the most carefree twenty we pass to the stable thirty up to the dreaded "anta". Celebrating forty years is therefore important and it is even more important to make the birthday person feel important and at the center of attention, on such a special day! Here you will find sweet, joking and funny phrases to avoid sending discounted and banal greeting messages. And don't forget: the best gifts are handmade ones!

40 years birthday phrases: funny wishes

Whether it is a relative, a family member, a colleague, a friend or something more, sending messages of wishes is always a welcome and not at all obvious attitude. Unfortunately, however, it often happens that the imagination is scarce and that happy birthday images and phrases are the usual heartfelt and resentful ones. If you love jokes, these funny phrases are for you: feel free to reuse and modify them to personalize them better!

Happy birthday, blow out the candles softly. I would not want you to tire yourself in the new 40 year old. Joke! Best wishes from the heart.

40 seem a lot to you? Wrong! You're only halfway to 80! Happy Birthday!

I am close to you: leave the beautiful enta and enter the door: condolences…. Congratulations!

It is not white hair. They are the reflections of wisdom. Happy birthday!

The first thing to do on your fortieth birthday is… buy the wrinkle cream. Treat. Happy Birthday.

Welcome to the exclusive club of anta. Don't think about it and enjoy life as a new retiree!

Come on, I would say that apart from the hair that is already almost all white, the new wrinkles on the face, the first symptoms of arthrosis, your 40 years are good ... maybe! Joke, happy birthday.

How does that famous saying go? Ah yes: old hen makes good broth. Come on, you're a magnificent 40-year-old.

I would say that after 4 decades you still keep yourself well. Best wishes for your forty years!

Take heart because next year will be worse! Let's joke about it! Happy birthday.

At 40 you are not old, you are like a rare and collectible stamp!

Don't be angry: the only thing that matters is to stay young inside. Happy Birthday.

Four decades, eight decades, but the same head as when you were ... 39 years old! Happy Birthday.

And to think that yesterday when you went to sleep you were still in your thirties ... how does time go by! Good second life.

You are not 40, you are eighteen with 22 years of experience. Best wishes!

Remember that vintage is back in fashion! Happy birthday.

Twice twenty years! You are a child. Best wishes!

Apart from the first pains, the first wrinkles and the first white hair, the 40 years are not bad at all! Congratulations!

And my dear, give the entas to the doors in a moment, and soon you will arrive at the entas! Happy forty year olds!

Hey new 40 year old, it must be hard to blow out all those candles ...

You are like wine, the older you get the better you become. Happy birthday for your first 40 years.

You will feel good with us… the anta is an exclusive club for young people with a principle of arthrosis! Best wishes.

Have you turned 40? So listen to an old man: smile while you still have all your teeth!

Keep calm: you're ONLY 40! Happy birthday, champion!

You're thinking: it's time to look inside, take stock, and take stock. Wrong! It's just the day you first realize that you need to have lots of friends. Otherwise, how are you going to blow out all those candles from now on?

40 years birthday phrases

40 years birthday phrases: when the birthday boy is a family member

Well yes: relatives deserve different and special wishes compared to other people. If your brother, your sister, your son or some cousin turns forty, here you will find the right phrase! Never predictable and banal, even light and joking if necessary.

Hey new old man! I wanted to tell you that forty rhymes with fifty and sixty, but I trust in you eternal Peter Pan: every age will be your Island that doesn't exist!

Our love gave you birth 40 years ago and today with the same love we wish you to reap the successes and joys you deserve. Greetings my daughter.

The days do not pass in vain, they add to each other like grains of sand in an hourglass. Be a wise and welcoming hourglass! Happy birthday, big sister.

We spent time together and it was wonderful, so I promise you that the road of your 40 years will see us still united in good and bad, in joys and sorrows. Happy birthday, little sister!

To the brother who taught me that despite the difficulties, we must not give up, I say: welcome to the mythical doors! Come on, just you, you can't be afraid to blow out one, two, three… 40 candles!

We spent time together and it was wonderful, so I promise you that the road of your 40 years will see us still united in good and bad, in joys and sorrows. Happy birthday, little sister!

My son, remember that the wise man does not regret the past years and the accidents on the way but treasures them to renew himself every time. You still have a long way to go, face the challenges with a steadfast spirit and courage. Your mother and I will always be by your side.

Happy birthday, my little one. 40 is a number like any other. It is just one of the other 100 candles you will blow out in your life, a life that will be full of love and affirmation.

Big brother, on this day you blow out 40 candles: 20 you spent advising and encouraging me, the other 20 are age! You are my guide. I love you!

Do not listen to those who tell you that at 40 it is time to take stock, always look ahead and continue to chase your dreams! It is the best way to stay young. Happy Birthday.

The elapsed time must not be a more or less cheerful melody of past memories, but it must rhythmically mark your every idea, your every initiative. I hope that your forty years will give you the strength to endure adversity and the wisdom to appreciate the wonders of the world.

My little sister, you haven't turned 40. You have come of age and have accumulated 22 years of experience. You are my myth!

40 years birthday phrases

40th birthday quotes: wishes for your sweetheart

Your person deserves to be celebrated in the best possible way for his forty years. A surprise party, a gift, a cake to blow out the candles on and, of course, the best of greeting messages. Whether it is wife or husband, girlfriend or boyfriend, your sweetheart must know on this special day the love she is surrounded by. Use these beautiful quotes as best you can, dedicate the phrase and images for which you can convey all your feeling!

Forty candles for the eternal Queen of roses.

Forty years of beauty and charm, intelligence and sensitivity. You are unique and special. I love you.

The heart is a wealth that cannot be bought and sold, it can only be given. My love for you is the gift I give you for 40.

To my life partner, to the man who is turning forty, I wish a bright future, studded with stars, in an ocean of serenity.

Luck and a pinch of madness. This is what I wish your 40s are like.

Love, you are exactly the right person for me: since we have known each other, I have never had to beg for anything because you have always given me everything before I even asked for it. Happy Birthday!

For your birthday, my love, I wanted to wish you always to fight for what makes you happy and, if you like, to continue sharing it with me.

Precisely 40 years ago, the most beautiful star of all shone in the sky: it was you. Don't stop lighting my path. Happy birthday, love.

40 just for the registry office: you have the spirit and overwhelming enthusiasm of a 20 year old. Never change, honey.

At forty, we built the foundation of our house, now we have to add the bricks. A lot of good life still awaits us, my love.

Cheers! To your common sense. To your way of being so rare. To your ability to shine. To you. Happy Birthday my love; thanks to you, I'm the luckiest man on earth.

Seduction is written in your DNA and is not subject to the inexorable passage of time. That is why you will be eternally young. Congratulations.

My love, for your 40th birthday, I wish you to continue to be who you are: head held high, heart in hand.

Regrets and remorse are banished. forty years is not yet time to take stock, you still have a lot to live and find out why the best is yet to come. Happy birthday love!

A few words to my great love. Your 40 years are like you: unique and unrepeatable.

Doors are a magical age: when you are young you are afraid of getting there too quickly, when you are old you regret it because you have not appreciated yourself enough. So enjoy every day of your present with me!

On the calendar today you read an important date, turning forty. But the ones not to be forgotten are engraved in my heart and in my mind. Thanks for existing.

You are a mother, wife, sister, friend. You are chic and refined. You are heartfelt and understanding. You are the most beautiful 40 year old in the world. Thank you for being a part of my life. Happy birthday, light of my eyes.

Today it will rain. It is the sky that weeps for having lost its brightest star 40 years ago. I love you.

Tags:  Actuality Love-E-Psychology Women-Of-Today