Arturo, the saddest polar bear in the world, died in the zoo of Mendoza, Argentina

Temperatures even reach 40 ° in the zoo of Mendoza, Argentina, where a few hours ago the polar bear Arturo died forever. Since 2012 he suffered from loneliness, since his partner, the bear Pelusa, was dead.

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He was 31, and had lived in that tiny tub since 1993, when he was still a puppy. It didn't take the complaints of politicians, activists and animal rights activists to save that poor bear.

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The request from Arturo's supporters was to move him to a more adequate facility in Canada, whose temperatures would make him suffer less. But the managers of the zoo in Mendoza believed that the bear was too old to move. One wonders, then, if such a suffering face would not have been worth a try anyway. R.I.P. Arturo!