How to stop the cycle: a decision not to be underestimated

With this article you will find out how to stop the menstrual cycle in case of emergency or real need. In all other cases, except if a conception is in progress, the cycle arrives on time .... and with it the need for female purchases. Watch the video!

The combined contraceptive pill to delay the period: a remedy or a danger?

Always after asking the advice of your gynecologist, if he has assured you that there are no risks to your health, if you usually use the birth control pill, taking one pack after the other, without a break, you could delay your period. However, such a decision should never be taken lightly. The mechanism of the menstrual cycle is always delicate and complex. It should never be artificially modified, especially if it is not a vital reason. The regularity of the monthly flow could be altered and it is not possible to foresee all the contraindications of such an alteration. The use of the combined contraceptive pill can have negative effects on the body and, in fact, many women cannot take it precisely for health reasons. There is no joking with drugs and should only be taken in case of real need for a pathology ascertained by a full-blown diagnosis. We remember that there are other methods of contraception and that it is not right that the weight of the decision not to procreate falls on the health of the woman. If you do not take this type of pill as a contraceptive, you should switch to the combined pill to delay your period. Your doctor may also prescribe norethisterone, as long as you don't have any medical condition, to prevent your period from starting when you don't think it's appropriate. Even for such a remedy, you should be mathematically certain that the drug has no side effects on your body.

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If your period has already started, it is not possible to stop it, but it can become less abundant and last shorter by taking the combined contraceptive pill. Heavy bleeding and pain associated with it may decrease in some with normal pain relievers, which calm uterine contractions. In this case, always check the recommended doses on the leaflet, read the interactions with other drugs and the possible side effects.
Even before taking herbal products, such as herbal teas based on valerian and chamomile or nettle and blueberry, always consult your doctor first. Many women take them, in fact, believing that they decrease menstruation. As a natural remedy, regular physical exercise could be useful to relax the uterus and reduce blood flow. A cycle as a cabbage snack on a "special occasion is not appreciated by anyone, but from a scientific point of view it is not sure if these postponements or reductions of the cycle can be safe for a long time for the physical well-being of the woman. For this, it is not true. it is worth risking your health, not even for a particular event. Just resort to tampons that at least avoid the annoyance of external tampons. The natural clock should never be altered, Therefore, think carefully and do not be rash.

See also: Everything you didn't know about menstruation

© iStock Everything you didn't know about menstruation

Can you make the cycle shorter by speeding it up? And how?

Almost all women will have happened to wish this blessed menstruation to last a little less days, due to clothing problems, pain, all the ailments that accompany it, swelling of the abdomen, nausea, headache, nervousness. Can you really make the cycle shorter or would it involve some major physical problem? The anti-inflammatories that are used during menstruation to reduce menstrual pain, that is, dysmenorrhea, could also increase blood loss, as they affect platelet aggregation. Also, some of them can have serious side effects. To have less pain during menstruation you should take a cure against colitis, if you happen to suffer from it, always eat healthily and above all keep yourself very light in the days before your menstrual flow, doing a little more physical exercise and walking a lot . It is not so much the choice of certain foods that affects the regularity of menstruation and pain, as a "very balanced diet, which makes the organism as a whole balanced". Raspberry juice seems to act positively to have a regular cycle, while other herbal remedies help women during the menopause for the ailments due to the drop in estrogen and it seems they also need to reduce the duration of the cycle. Always remember, however, that even if they are natural preparations or medicinal plants, they should never be taken without consult your doctor. Many women say they have benefited from homeopathy or Chinese medicine, especially acupuncture, others as taking magnesium.

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What is meant by the menstrual cycle?

If a woman has a regular period, the time interval from the day her period starts to the day before her next period is 28-30 days.
Even if the time interval is from 21 to 35 days, it is considered equally regular. The amount of bleeding is very subjective. Some women have a short and not very abundant menstrual flow, others have it painful, long and very abundant since the first menstruation. A normal blood loss of about 80 ml in total is usually calculated with the consumption of sanitary pads. Normal blood flow lasts about 5-7 days, becoming more abundant in the first 2-3 days and gradually reducing to darker losses in the last few days.Even in the absence of pathologies, the amount of blood varies greatly from woman to woman and even in the same subject, if there are variations in climate, nutrition or in times of stress. Sometimes it can be linked to DNA. A regular cycle in terms of rhythm, quantity and duration indicates a balance and certainly reassures us about our state of health, but often interferes with special occasions or work, especially if it comes with severe pain and a general state of malaise or if it is too much abundant. However, when the menstruation fails, then we fear for some pathology, for some uterus problem, we suspect it is a premature menopause or an unwanted pregnancy at that moment.
They still hear in the family DIY tips to stop menstruation. Nature as we have said above should always take its course, also because these home systems could be of dubious validity. Cold water could reduce bleeding, as the cold constricts blood vessels and causes the uterus to contract. The heat, on the other hand, can increase it, even if it decreases the pain (the famous hot bag on the belly, in case of severe uterine pain). Ice, on the other hand, acts as a hemostatic and can stop bleeding.

However, blocking or postponing the menstrual flow is never advisable, as it means altering an important physiological process, to which not only the health of your body but also the possibility of procreation, fertility and, therefore, should be done only if advised of the gynecologist is indispensable for a serious pathology.

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