Finally, even in Saudi Arabia women will be able to drive: yes, it was forbidden before!

Imagine not being able to go shopping alone, not being able to leave the house without asking someone to accompany you ... Rather disconcerting, right? Yet that was what happened in Saudi Arabia until a few days ago. But finally King Salman has granted women permission to drive, in the only country where it was forbidden to them. Now we hope that in other countries, such as India, where a woman is worth less than a cow, there is a positive change. !

A small step forward from our point of view, but a "huge achievement for a country where women's freedom is still a small mirage.It is good to never forget that violence against women arises first of all from the limitation of their freedom, in order to never forget this social phenomenon it is good to look at some data:

See also

All the best wishes for women's day: funny, original and rome phrases

A "concession" of new rights

An important change for a dynamic society like that of Saudi Arabia: finally women will not need their "guardian" to get their driving license. Going shopping, going around the shops, accompanying children to school, finally women will be able to do all these things on your own. It was time, we add!