The truth about age? There are not only wrinkles

Here they are the first white hair ready to peek out of the bangs ... and what are those little creases on the sides of the eyes? One moment, even on the forehead you can see some horizontal marks, they won't be wrinkles, right?

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If you haven't already found yourself having these thoughts while looking at yourself in the mirror, you know that the dreaded moment will come in any case when you will have to deal with reality and, above all, with the passing of time.

But are we so sure that the passage of time and the signs that this inevitably leaves on our body, but also in our personality, are always negative and to be feared?

See also

How to reduce wrinkles: 4 remedies for forehead wrinkles

How to reduce wrinkles: 8 effective methods for smooth skin

Wrinkles under the eyes: here's how to eliminate or reduce them

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Accepting the passing of time does not mean resigning yourself

That the years fly fast is certainly a sign that we have lived them intensely, accumulating experiences and memories that will remain with us forever and that, surely, will have changed us. We are not just talking about external signs - some wrinkles, white hair, loss of tone and elasticity - but also of experiences that, for better or for worse, become an integral part of us, of what we are today and how we will be tomorrow.

Accepting these changes does not mean resigning oneself and letting oneself go to the despondency and melancholy of the past, it rather means evolving, being able to exploit the good of every situation and every phase of our life.

Of course, we will probably begin to take better care of our appearance, to choose beauty products and cosmetics specific for mature skin, to improve our diet and to be less sedentary, and all this will only positively affect our mood and our physical and will help keep us beautiful and smiling for a long time!

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And how do you live the time that passes?

To find out what women really think of the passing of time and how they deal with it, L "Oréal Paris, organized a contest" Your truth about age ". What emerged? That surely the concerns related to the external appearance are present - many emphasize the loss of tone and volume of the skin, the appearance of small wrinkles, dull eyes and complexion - but, in the face of these effects, however, they can be controlled and improved through the use of targeted products and a healthy lifestyle, there are also positive sides and advantages deriving from experience and greater awareness.

"The mirror reminds me of the" image of a mature woman: small wrinkles, but in the eyes I still see the desire to smile, to dream, to live and to live ", these are the words of Marinella who has surely learned to accept herself with optimism and enthusiasm.

Chiara, on the other hand, finds a way to smile even in the mirror because, as she herself declares "Wrinkles are nothing but lines on which life writes its sentences: they remind me of moments and emotions in which I changed, grew up".

And there are also those who are well aware of what has been and not only do not regret it, but have treasured it like Maura: "The emotions, laughter and tears of a lifetime have marked my heart and face, each of those signs has made me the woman I am today", and Monica: "The signs of "age are also the signs of experiences, when I look in the mirror I see a face marked but lived and happy!".

We women are strong, inexhaustible and always ready to get back in the game; this is why the passing of time does not scare us so much and this is why maturity, lived in the right way, can make us not only more interesting, but also more beautiful!

If you want more information, consult the official website of L "Oreal Paris!