10 things not to say to your man while in bed

You are there, you two, soft light, some burning candles, falling clothes, passionate kisses and then ... and then we miss a sentence that we really shouldn't have said to our him, especially in bed. In order not to risk breaking the magic right at the most beautiful, here are the phrases to never say under the sheets ... especially if you split up with exercises like these to have a screaming butt and you deserve that moment of glory!

"How about shaving?"

Between waxing the groin, creams, razors and pulsed light we do not back down at nothing to defeat the hated hair, but why ask our him to undergo the same tortures ?!

See also

How to drive a man crazy in bed: 10 foolproof seduction tricks

5 simple tricks to make it last longer in bed

The pairs of signs that work best in bed Loading ...

"Have you already entered?"

They say size doesn't matter. They say...

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"Don't worry, it happens to everyone ..."

It is true! All men can happen to fail to be in top form and not reach the goal or, even worse, fail. Yet we are sure that they are already mortified enough, we avoid throwing ourselves a load of ninety.

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"Do you see me getting fat?"

Your man is kissing you, caressing you, he wants you to die and, for him, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Say goodbye to paranoia at least in the bedroom, plus whatever his answer we will have something to say.

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"You know, with my ex we used to do this"

We, who if we only hear the name of one of his exes are capable of the worst things, do we have the courage to name him who has been in our bed before him? Banned from exes, in and out of bed.

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"You love me?"

Being told "I love you" is one of the most beautiful sensations there can be, but it must be spontaneous. Do not keep asking your him, especially while you are under the sheets.

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"To tell the truth, I pretended!"

All of us, at least once in our life, have pretended. Don't deny it, it happens! But better not tell him and not only while making love or just after, better never do it.

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"I do it alone"

For us women, reaching orgasm can be a really hard task, but there is nothing worse than dodging your him for. reach the end. It requires patience.

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"Already done?"

It might remind us of a famous commercial, but for him it's a stab in the heart. There could be several reasons for his defiance: emotion, haste or, perhaps, we are too demanding.

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You have not finished yet?

When you make love with your boyfriend, try to clear your mind and do not think about washing machines, clothes to hang out, errands to do and a thousand other commitments.Enjoy it and don't rush it.

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