Mom's life: 5 tricks to organize it better and carve out time for you!

We know that you are a multitasking mom who always finds the time and energy to do everything in her endless day, we also know that you count on yourself and you always manage to come out the winner, but when was the last time you took a moment Even Wonder Woman needs to rest every now and then to maintain her super powers and shine like never before ... that's why below we decided to reveal some tricks to speed up your routine and better organize yours day so as to carve out some precious time for you.

Whether it's a warm and relaxing bath with vanilla-scented candles, a Grey's Anatomy marathon or a long phone call with your best friend, our goal is to make you think a little about yourself, to turn off your brain and recharge yourself properly Here are 5 tricks to do it as much as possible!

1. First step: set priorities!

Forget that you are multitasking and that you will still be able to do everything you set out to do. Start with this simple task: learn to set priorities and focus only on those. The others can wait. It is not necessary to do everything all the time, just dedicate yourself to the really important activities and spread the others over a longer time.
Try this exercise to make things easier for you: list all the activities of your day and then, choose 5 that you absolutely need to complete. Among the rest, choose the ones that you can eliminate completely and those that you can postpone in the following days. You will see, you will feel like you are breathing a sigh of relief.

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2. Help yourself with planning!

Get into the habit of doing daily or weekly planning: this is a simple move, which can prove to be really precious. To list, diaries, memos on your smartphone or simple and saving post-its, any support is welcome as long as has a specific mission: to simplify your life and optimize your time in the best possible way. Not only that, these small practical aids also have an "important psychological function: they lighten the mind, freeing it from a thousand information, dates, commitments and deadlines. And you will feel lighter!

3. Take advantage of the gifts of the third millennium!

We are in the "era of the Internet and the social 2.0 world, so why not take advantage of it? Trust the thousands of apps in the web world and make the most of the operations you can do remotely: from online shopping to virtual purchases to home banking or reservations for medical visits and more. In short, every possible geek conquest in order to obtain half an hour of tranquility to devote to your child or to do nothing on the sofa at home.

4. Teach your partner the word "collaboration"

It is scientifically proven that the strongest and happiest relationships are those that are equal. Well, maybe you should tell your partner about this heartening fact. That's right: a man who cooks, takes care of the house and the children, is not only much more fascinating than the average, but can be a real help for the life of a couple. You will not be exhausted, you will have time for a long hot bath and a face mask while clearing the table and putting the children to bed. In short, a balanced and serene life for two that will make you much more accomplices.