Do you suffer from varicose veins or do you want to prevent them? Follow these tips and exercise every day!

Varicose veins are dilations and tortuosity of the superficial veins, which affect about 20-30% of women and often cause pain and skin changes.
The first way you can counter them is by training every week, start with these:

The causes of this disorder can be:
- circulation problems that cause the so-called insufficiency;
- genetic and family history factors:
- heart problems;
- age: over time the veins can lose their elasticity and turn into varicose veins;
- an incorrect lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle);
- pregnancy: it is a condition that puts the body under considerable strain. Some women see varicose veins appear during pregnancy because the blood volume inside the body increases, but the blood flow from the legs to the pelvic belt decreases. This modification is congenial to support the growth of the fetus, but unfortunately the veins tend to expand, leading to varicosis.

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In addition to the causes, it should be noted that there are risk factors that can increase the likelihood of varicose veins appearing.

Among these the most common are: a type of work that forces you to spend many hours standing still, sitting and without walking, overweight and obesity, the use of the birth control pill, smoking, excessive exposure to the sun and lamps for artificial tanning and constipation.

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Varicose veins: prevention

Prevention can make a difference and limit the onset of varicose veins. In particular, we advise you to move as much as possible to strengthen the leg muscles and promote correct blood circulation, to change position often and to keep the legs raised whenever possible.

Diet - which must be varied and balanced - is also very important, as is keeping any overweight under control.

As far as clothing is concerned, it is advisable to avoid clothing that is too tight, to limit the use of high heels, to wear insoles in case of flat feet or hallux valgus and, if necessary, to resort to corrective sanitary stockings, which are particularly useful. even when you make long journeys during which you cannot move and stretch.

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It is also essential to do 10 minutes of specific gymnastics every day. These exercises can be done at any time of the day, the important thing is consistency.

Here are some really useful - and very simple - ones to remove the risk of varicose veins:

In the supine position, lie on your back and lift your legs against the wall. Then take your legs off the wall and pedal in the air. Similarly, rotate your feet by simulating circles.
In the same position, bend one leg towards the chest, keeping it below the knee for a few seconds; then, repeat the exercise with the other leg. Finally, with your legs extended, bend your toes 20 times each session.
Still lying on your back, extend your legs and bend the knee bringing it to the abdomen, without the help of your hands, then extend the limb slowly bringing it back to the initial position. Repeat alternately 15 times.

While sitting, stretch out and gather your legs constantly to facilitate blood circulation, separate and bring your toes together 30 times and then place your heels on the ground and keep the toes raised. From this position, lower and raise each foot 30 more times.

While standing, walk on your toes and then on your heels.

Ready to show off perfect legs?

varicose veins cure