Personality test: which goddess of antiquity are you?

What happened in the most ancient and remote antiquity? The divine and the human lived in close contact, so close that the gods often presented completely human characters. The defects of man in fact also concerned the divinities: the latter endowed with supernatural powers, used these qualities precisely to make nature as we know it today. But not only nature understood in its physical processes, but the gods also meddled with human facts, as the myths handed down to us. Before taking the test and finding out which fascinating goddess you would have been, watch the video, natural influences still influence us:

Personality test: which goddess of anitchness are you?

In the "fascinating group of gods, a part of them fortunately was a woman. Today, therefore, we can speak of a range of very famous goddesses for whom there was a cult, certainly Venus among the most famous." These, like the male gods, enjoyed their well-defined characteristics, and for this you can find out more about your character by taking our test, here it is:

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Among the stars, which are you? Choose a color and find out immediately which planet you are!

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