Test: Does he really want you or is he stalling?

Dating is the gray area of ​​the relationship. While dating with enthusiasm can be the most beautiful and magical phase of a relationship, dating with enthusiasm can also be a trap. In fact, the initial infatuation is a double-edged sword that can magically keep you suspended between the princess castle you dreamed of as a child and the most fearful of nightmares. Not yet knowing well the feelings of others, doubting traps and strategies, one is not always sure what happens in those months so beautiful and suspended that are those of the frequentation. Start by watching this video, it may already show you a way:

Test: Does he really want you or is he stalling?

So when we try or begin to feel something more concrete for someone we've been dating for a while, "the fateful question is whether this thing will work. Among the various doubts about oneself and others, one wonders if in fact the" other person is getting serious, or is just taking the time to ultimately go on with their life without you. Do you want to find out what happens between you? Take the test, here it is:

See also

Test: how much do others envy you?

Test: what do you expect from the ideal man?

Test: how special do you feel about yourself?

What will happen to your couple in the new year? Take the test and find out!

Tags:  Marriage Women-Of-Today Kitchen