Mercury retrograde: what does its influence entail?

Mercury retrograde can affect our life! Astrology (at least for those who believe it) influences many aspects of our life and can affect our days. Like the Moon and other planets, Mercury also has a significant impact on our daily life: each zodiac sign has particular characteristics that make it unique and easily recognizable. Even with regard to sleep: each sign of the Horoscope has its indications for a great rest!

The word to science: "Only an" optical illusion! "

This phenomenon for scientists is non-existent, it is only an "optical illusion, that is, it seems that Mercury is retrograde, that is, it moves backward in the sky, but in reality it is not so. Its retrograde motion is" only apparent, as this planet and the Earth have different speeds in moving around the Sun, just as when you are traveling on a train and another train passes by at a higher speed, you have the feeling for a few moments that yours is moving all around. 'back. Mercury, given the frequency of its stops, affects daily life more than other planets. Furthermore, it is closer to the Sun than Earth is and its orbit is smaller, lasting only 88 days, while the terrestrial one counts 365.25. Therefore, in the time in which the Earth travels only one orbit, Mercury makes four, also because its motion is faster. When our planet exceeds the Earth in its internal orbit, it gives the sensation of approx to change direction, to go backwards and therefore to be retrograde. This happens about three times in a year. For science, however, it is a false phenomenon, a sensation that does not correspond to reality.All the planets apparently have a retrograde motion, but compared to Mars, for example, Mercury is faster and therefore this apparent effect occurs more frequently.

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Libra: what do the stars say about this sign (and its character)?

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Astronomy and astrology: two different visions

Although both are linked to observation of the sky, astronomy and astrology today are two very distant sectors. The first turns its interest to the universe, the second to the influence of what conditions the life of humans from above or, according to others, to the planets that reflect their character and behavioral characteristics. Science obviously does not believe that the apparently retrograde motion of Mercury can negatively affect technological purchases, communications, contracts or first meetings. For astronomy, when the Earth rotates, it seems that celestial bodies move backwards. In fact, they were once referred to as wandering stars, although scholars later understood that they were planets that made their turn around the Sun. Astrologers, however, believe that Mercury's apparent retrograde motion has an important significance as regards its influence on life on Planet Earth.

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Mercury reverses: eyes open!

According to astrology experts, when Mercury puts the reverse gear, its energy drops or changes direction, as well as its apparent motion backwards and this would affect attention and small inconveniences related to communication and technology, problems with cars, motorcycles and various means of transport or with media objects, such as cell phones, PCs, TVs. Often, due to the retrograde influence of Mercury, gaffes are committed, wrong documents are drawn up, the wrong address is sent by sending a message or an email, unexplained delays are encountered, misunderstandings are created, misunderstood, various here pro quo and we hunt a little in trouble. Pay more attention to what you do, where you put the house keys, the wallet, the document folder, otherwise you will have to take it out on yourself or on poor Mercury. With numbers, it's a real chaos. Pay attention to bills, bills, checks. In any case, faith or non-faith in astrology, be more careful not to lose anything, so as not to forget something important when leaving home, and be a little more prudent to avoid problems and minor inconveniences.

See also: Astrology and empathy: the most empathic zodiac signs

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Mercury Retrograde and its effects on the human psyche

The planet Mercury dominates a sign of "Air like Gemini, in which intelligence, intuition, creativity, artistic sense and great communication prevail. Mercury, the planet of movement par excellence, represents this lively and dynamic sign very well. To Virgo, who it also rules, it gives Mercury that gives it rationality and a flair for business. The ancient Egyptians gave it two titles, as well as Venus: Morning Star and Evening Star. The Greeks called it Hermes and the Romans Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods , perhaps because of the speed of its movement. Mercury was also the god of trade and travel the god of trade and travel. Probably the planet received these names because of its rapid motion across the sky, faster than everyone's the other planets.

In astrology it is believed that this reverse also has an effect on the psyche of individuals, that is, it revives situations from the past that return to our Mind, symbolized precisely by Mercury. We think back to the old past, do an inner review and ask ourselves about our behaviors in certain periods, about how the facts really went at that moment of our life, taking into consideration details and episodes neglected and set aside in the corners of our mind, putting them more in focus as when we use a lens for distance. And so we see them more objectively and become aware of them. Mercury retrograde exerts its transversal influence on all the Zodiac signs, but it mainly affects Virgo and Gemini since it is their planet governor. But even to those who rely on astrology it is clear that Mercury not only has a darkening and disturbing effect, but can be, for example, a moment of flashback of existence, a return back to find abandoned projects, friends of youth , a mental analysis that takes us back in time to reflect more objectively on the things done and on those not done. But in addition to some inconvenience it can also give you new chances in love and work. So, according to this theory Mercury returns back in the sky and also in our psyche. It can represent a suitable moment to reflect on the past, to better live the present, to understand if there is something wrong, mistakes to be remedied and above all to organize for a future improve.

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If you happen to see an ex around this time, it might not be a bad thing, but a good thing. on the contrary, perhaps like any return in the Mercury retrograde period it would be a positive event, which occurs as it is functional to better understand oneself, others and previous events: it is an indication that something needs to be revisited to better analyze one's personality, facts and their own changes for better or for worse. According to astrologers, the ideal in this period is to devote oneself to studying, reading, reflecting, rewriting one's own writing with variations or organizing one's free time or work differently. If you are interested in knowing which sector of your life Retrograde Mercury will have the most influence, take a look at your birth chart to see in which astrological house or sector of the Zodiac it is positioned. If you find him in the seventh or octave you could see your ex again. If he is in the Eleventh house, it may be a friend you haven't seen in years. If it is the tenth house, it can be about work problems that are apparently resolved, but still need your attention. If the house is the Fourth, then it is family matters to be addressed calmly and delicately. If you are in the Second or Eighth house, it may involve financial investments and relationships with banks or with communication, both in the sense of letters or telephone calls, and that concerning the affective sphere and sincerity. Instead, it is about the interests of the soul, spiritual and existential, if the house is the Twelfth.

If Mercury transits into the ninth house, the problem may relate to your interrupted studies, the journeys you would have liked to do or the desire to change your ideas about the reality that surrounds you. If the planet is in the first house, then you in the first person, that is, how you appear to others, how you live everyday life, how you use your energy. The influence of Mercury is also very strong on the inside and perhaps it can serve to ensure that your past does not block the present and consequently the future, just because we judge it too severely. Closing with so many problems could open new doors to your life.

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Mercury retrograde in 2021

From January 30th to February 21st 2021 - in the sign of Aquarius it will be retrograde and disturb the intellectual abilities of Leo, Taurus and Scorpio, in June in Gemini it will be in opposition to Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces, then in Libra between September and October, blurring the clarity of thought of Aries Cancer and Capricorn. After the Moon, our satellite, which changes its zodiac sign every little more than 48 hours, Mercury is the fastest planet and usually stops in one sign for about twenty days. All the planets make stops, unlike the Moon and the Sun. Mercury stops three times in a year in three signs of the same element and here its negative influence is amplified for those who have it in opposition or in quadrature, but so also beneficial for those in a favorable position.
Mercury in astrology is about intelligence, communication, socialization, speech, the desire to know. By observing the placement of Mercury in an individual's birth chart, we know their thinking, culture, intuition and logical abilities. Mercury retrograde leads to a slower and less fluent thought, to uncertainties in speech and actions, to doubts and insecurities about ideas. If it is opposed to one of the main planets of your birth chart (Sun, Moon, Mercury itself or Venus) just prevent, which is always better than cure, not caring too much of commitments and events in which you need maximum readiness and intellectual abilities. In fact, according to astrology, it could lead us to change our opinion easily, not to express our thoughts well and to a decline in our creativity.

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