Disney character test: who are you between Maleficent and Aurora?

When we watched cartoons as children, we were very often afraid of witches or evil princesses. As we grew up, we learned to re-evaluate and love these gorgeous Disney villains: Maleficent, Ursula, Evil Queen, Jafar and so on ... they won our hearts with their delicious evil. So now choosing which side to take becomes difficult. For example, are you actually more Maleficent or Aurora? Before you find out, see what Disney princesses would have looked like had they been queens, here's the video:

Disney character test: who are you between Maleficent and Aurora?

So the evil Maleficent has a lethal charm and the sweetest Aurora is no less: are you so sure you look like Aurora? Aren't you a little Maleficent after all? Or maybe you think you are more Maleficent but in your heart beats a pure spirit like that of the beautiful Aurora? The only way to know is to take the test, here it is:

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Speaking of Disney, cartoons, childhood and wishes: but you, which Disney song are you? If you want to find out just take our quiz:

Tags:  Kitchen Horoscope Love-E-Psychology