Test: what do you deserve to find in the Befana sock?

"In the end comes the" Epiphany that takes away all the holidays ", of course it is true, but it takes them away leaving us a sweet memory: the Befana stocking. We usually expect sweets and good things in our stocking. What do you expect to find in yours? Have you been a good girl or a bad one? Coal, sweets or an exotic trip?
Maybe in your sock you would have liked to find this, look what goodness:

Test: choose a sock and find out what the Befana will bring you

Did you too, as a child, look forward to the night of the Befana? Find out what your Befana has in store for you. Have you been good enough or do you know you don't deserve much? Do you deserve a sweet gift or will you find coal in your stocking? Find out what should be in your sock, take our test:

See also

Test: who or what were you in your previous life?

Test: which of the protagonists of Friends are you?

Personality and color test: which one reflects yours the most?

Instead, what does this new year have in store for you? Find out with our test that reveals what will happen to you in the new year:

Tags:  News - Gossip Horoscope Women-Of-Today