Dreaming of having a tumor: what meaning does this anguishing dream hide?

Dreaming of having a tumor is not pleasant so waking up upset and agitated after such a dream is definitely normal! You can be speechless and loud or you can burst into tears: these are normal reactions. Understanding what lies behind this dream and what your unconscious wants to tell you is important to overcome the initial anxiety. And if you feel like crying, smile, because it is not necessarily something negative!

Dreaming of having a tumor can be traumatic

Dreaming of having a tumor is not a dream like any other. It is destabilizing and you can. find yourself awakening to deal with the fear that this is real or that it is a premonition. Feeling anxious is completely normal, but remember that we are talking about a dream to be interpreted that absolutely does not mean that you will be affected by a disease. If you have dreamed of having a tumor, your psyche is sending you a signal: what you are experiencing in a way that is not healthy for your health. What your mind and body are trying to tell you is that the lifestyle you have adopted is not suitable for you and this could cause you unconscious upsets and dangers in your daily life. The lifestyle can involve very different areas, from work to love. Dreaming of a tumor is a dream that is directly connected to our deepest emotions. As always, details are important and details make the difference in the interpretation of the dream. Even the affected organ can reveal a lot of your emotions! In any case the dream is not related to a real disease but rather to something that your inner aspect tries to tell you, a message that smells of fear and dissatisfaction, of fear, stress , depression and sadness. Focusing on your mood is essential to place the dream in the right way and interpret it in the best possible way.

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The organ affected by the tumor is essential for interpreting the dream

Remembering which organ, in the dream, was affected by the tumor is very important for its correct interpretation. If you have dreamed of having lung cancer, most likely you feel suffocated by a person or a situation, in any field, working as sentimental. It could also be that the dream reflects a connected anxiety of yours: if you are a smoker and you would like to quit so much it is normal to imagine in a dream harmful consequences due to the difficulty of saying goodbye to this vice. If, on the other hand, in the dream your tumor is in the stomach, there is something that has the power to make you lose your appetite or interest in something that until recently was vital for you. In general, the stomach is the organ in you. they concentrate fears and tensions like the brain. But if you have dreamed of having a brain tumor it means that you are going through a difficult moment in your life, before stimuli and creativity. If, on the other hand, the cancer is in the breast, it manifests a problem with femininity and your most intimate sphere. Similarly, uterine cancer manifests the difficulty of following up on your plans. Many women who want a child but do not feel capable of being mothers can have a kind of dream like this. In any case, there is a another aspect to consider: usually you wake up in the middle of this dream afraid and distressed. But if you have dreamed that you have a tumor and you have overcome it in the dream, it means that you feel that the solution is near and that something that worried you is about to be solved.

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The numbers to play if you have dreamed of having a tumor

If you have dreamed of having a tumor, look at a positive aspect: you can play the numbers in the lotto and maybe enjoy a good win. Here are the ones to play: according to the Neapolitan grimace the number linked to the tumor is 72. Better to try 32 if it is a breast tumor while 55 if you dreamed of having a brain tumor.

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