14 things to never say to an Aries if you want to survive!

1. Are you sure you don't need help?

Let's face it, Aries are a bit stubborn and like to do things on their own, without anyone's help. Rather than give up, they try and try again, but rarely, proud as they are, they prefer to admit that they need a hand to succeed. in their enterprise. That's why you shouldn't go to them by asking this seemingly innocuous and very simple question. Lightning and storms would follow.

See also

Aries ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Aries Leo ascendant: a fiery personality

Aries Virgo Ascendant: Fire and Rationality!

2. Stop acting like a kid!

Although he will certainly struggle to admit it, Aries can be quite stubborn and short-tempered at times. Here, in those cases - which can happen quite often - try not to rage with negative or critical comments: to be clear, it would be like pouring gasoline. Better to let them boil and avoid pointing out their mistakes, in this way you will facilitate the timing of the elimination of anger.

3. But do you never stop talking?

Yes, sometimes Aries are very talkative and a little opinionated ... here, rule number 1: don't let them notice. Rather think of something else and nod or divert the conversation to other topics, but do not emphasize their ability to speak and speak relentlessly.

4. Why are you always so sensitive?

They look strong and solid, but they are much more fragile than they want to show. Therefore, do not go hard just because they look like they are indestructible and can withstand the harshest criticisms: strong words and not very delicate comments could break them, although they do everything they can not to show it.

5. You should review this thing ...

Repeat with me: never criticize Aries, unless strictly necessary, nor give them advice, which is almost never welcome. You know, people born under this sign are known to have a leadership temperament and are not really good at accepting criticism and reproaches, even if they are motivated and relevant.

6. Stop being so vain!

If you catch an Aries while looking in the mirror or if you notice that during a conversation he always talks only about himself, do not point it out openly: it is the worst thing you can do. Sometimes he can be a little touchy ... better to change the subject with elegance, his ego will suffer, but at least you will not lead to unnecessary arguments.

7. Remember that patience is a virtue

One of the main traits of Aries is impulsiveness: they want everything immediately and do not like to wait for things. In short, patience is practically a stranger to our Aries friends, so if you want to be greeted by them again, do not let them notice. , or you may regret it bitterly. Be the one to be patient.

8. You are a little selfish!

Here's another thing to avoid: talk about how self-centered and selfish they are. So, are they or aren't they independent and focused on themselves? So what do you expect? , their brilliance and sympathy repay this tiny flaw, which, yes - let's face it - can sometimes be really unbearable.

9. We have found a replacement for you!

Have you said or are you going to say this phrase to a person of the sign of "Aries? Well, get a lawyer or run away. Those born under this zodiac sign in fact, were born to be leaders and do not admit very easily to take orders. by others or to be replaced. So communicating such a decision would perhaps require a bodyguard ...

10. You will never be able to do this!

There are no better words to challenge the pride of an Aries! It is impossible, in fact, for a person as stubborn and self-righteous as those born under this sign, not to move mountains and do the impossible in order to succeed in the enterprise. He will do it. And you will be forced to take back your words ...

11. You should be a little more reserved ...

Okay, maybe Aries talk a little too much and often miss even confidential details ... but what can you do about it? It is the price to pay for those who have fun and energetic friends like those born under this sign. A little warning to save your secrets: don't reveal them to overly talkative Aries.

12. Could you calm down?

It is not exactly the best sentence to address to a person who is about to go into a rage, let alone if the person in question was born under the sign of "Aries ... these little words that seem so harmless, in the face of a fervent Aries will become delusional. explosive material: you have been warned!

13. Everything revolves around you

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Just because they know they are fabulous ... what's wrong with that ??? Seriously, yes, unfortunately those with Aries friends will have to put up with long, extremely rich and detailed conversations. Be patient, Aries also have a lot of positives!

14. Why, are you jealous?

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Here's another word to avoid: jealousy. Of course they are jealous! Are they or are they not self-centered? So they require a certain amount of attention ... and if you don't give it to them, you certainly can't be surprised if they get mad at you. do not talk about a possible betrayal: in that case, you would do well to escape, because Aries are not exactly fans of second chances and at the same time, if they no longer find stimuli, they will hardly look elsewhere ...

Find out which are the most famous VIPs of the sign of "Aries:

See also: Vip Zodiac: the stars born under the sign of Aries

© Getty Vip Zodiac: the stars born under the sign of Aries

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