Body Mediation Psychotherapy

What is that?

Psychotherapies are mainly verbal and start from the principle that one can heal thanks to the word. But you can also start from the body, the seat of affections, emotions and a means of relating, to improve morale and psyche. In this case we speak of body mediation therapies. There are many therapies that use the body as a mediator. They can organize themselves in various forms and want to achieve a better integration of the physical and psychic aspects. All try, by acting on the patient's body, to modify his relationship with himself.

The fact of addressing the spirit through the body may surprise at first, but it helps the patient, even if in a completely involuntary way at the beginning, to find the answers he is looking for. Addressing the body, in a ritual, reassuring way, can be perceived as a pleasant regression, a situation that recalls an experience distant in time. Confident and at ease, the patient can then peacefully set out on his or her personal path. In fact, the sessions create favorable conditions for relaxation, which allows an opening to others and especially to oneself, a rediscovery of the body and the sensations it can cause.

See also

Psychotherapy: how therapy with a psychologist can help us

The different body mediated therapies

The relaxation methods, put into practice by osteopaths, try to reduce psychological tension through the learning of muscle relaxation.
Schultz's autogenic training focuses on learning muscle relaxation and concentration on sensations. The patient is made to experience lost sensations so that he can regain control over his body.
Massages allow you to relax the body, to eliminate the tensions often linked to stress, especially in the back and neck. The relief provided causes a feeling of well-being. It is a good way to accompany a patient on his personal journey.
Among the various massage methods, we mention shiatsu, which works through pressure on certain areas of the body.
In hydrotherapy, it acts on the body through water, with showers or baths in the pool. With strong or weak jets, with cold or hot water, long or short, these showers can have a calming or energizing effect.
Bioenergy offers exercises similar to those of yoga and tries to reduce tension to release blocked energies.
Sophrology modifies the state of consciousness, but without reaching hypnosis. The patient is pushed into sensory isolation to foster his imagination, which contributes to his balance.
Reflexology starts from the principle that all parts of our body are projected onto the foot in reflex points. By massaging these points, the body's tensions are released.
Body-mediated analytic psychotherapy allows the patient to perceive and describe what is happening in his body. He learns to capture his own feelings and emotions, to express them, to contain them. This method also involves working with language and transference, the central element of therapeutic work.

For who?

Body mediated therapies are to be used against states of stress and anxiety, and the various physical consequences they cause. These techniques are particularly suitable for patients who suffer from inhibitions, relationship difficulties, lack of self-confidence and bodily apathy.

They are equally effective for people with hypertension or those with psychosomatic disorders, mild depressions and sexual disorders.

How does a session take place?

A preliminary interview is often necessary to provide the patient with information relating to the therapeutic procedure, make presentations and explain the course of the sessions.

A session lasts on average between half an hour and an hour. The modalities of its development vary according to the technique used, but whatever it is, a relationship of trust must be established between the patient and the therapist: atmosphere of trust, security, gentle gestures, constant presence and attentive to the patient's reactions , respect for the distance imposed by the latter are essential elements of therapy.
The therapist pays constant attention to non-verbal signals, listening to the unconscious that speaks in and through the body. Furthermore, generally, a moment is reserved at the end of the session to read the notes taken and to give feedback on the experiences lived in the session itself.

The sessions in practice
Each session costs on average between € 30 and € 80. The suggested pace is generally one session per week. The treatment lasts for several months.

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