Does coffee make you fat? Properties and side effects of this drink

Some people drink it only for breakfast to find the right energy to face the day and others, on the other hand, consider it the ideal ally for all breaks, especially after lunch: in any case, coffee remains the favorite drink of Italians and very few know how to give it up. However, we often ask ourselves if that cup of elixir of energy and vitality is good for our health or if it has side effects to take into consideration, especially for what concerns our line. If you are on a diet and trying to lose weight, how much can you drink per day?

Today we will answer all these questions by discovering the properties and benefits of coffee, together with its contraindications and its nutritional values.

Properties and benefits of coffee

In the common conception, coffee is used to get out of the stupor of the morning and recharge our body and our mind when we feel we need new energy. However, its properties and its benefits for the well-being of each individual are many more and depend above all on its characteristic component, namely caffeine. Let's now see the main ones:

  • Facilitates digestion

Caffeine is a substance that acts on various biological reactions and has a stimulating effect. This action can be seen at the gastric level, because it is capable of increasing the production of gastric juices and bile, thus promoting digestion. For this reason, it is now common to drink coffee after a meal, especially a substantial lunch or dinner.

  • Promotes intestinal mobility

Caffeine and its stimulating effect are also responsible for this other property found in coffee. In fact, it has been noted that black coffee, not stained and without sugar, mobilizes intestinal activity because it causes contractions that favor the transit of waste substances from the body.

  • Combats tiredness and drowsiness

This is undoubtedly the best known benefit of coffee. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system of our body, activating its various functions and counteracting tiredness and drowsiness.

  • It is the perfect ally before and after a workout

The energizing action of coffee is very dear to athletes who take advantage of it before and after a workout. In fact, drinking a cup of coffee before starting physical activity helps to have more energy, to tire less and to endure fatigue longer. Once the workout is over, this drink replenishes the lost mineral salts and restores the amount of glycogen in the blood, thus contributing to the complete recovery of energy.

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Its side effects

As with most foods, even in the case of coffee you shouldn't overdo it because you risk incurring various side effects. Here are the most important ones:

  • It increases states of anxiety and nervousness

We have seen how caffeine stimulates the nervous system making us regain the necessary energy, but when you drink too much coffee, an overload of this substance can occur. All this leads to an increase in tension, stress and nervousness with their most frequent symptoms, namely palpitations and agitation.

  • Stain your teeth

Along with smoking, coffee is infamous as an enemy of tooth enamel. In fact, compared to other substances, it stains them more significantly, especially when plaque is already present.

  • It can be addictive

When you drink too much coffee, you risk becoming an addict. The most avid drinkers have found a sense of numbness and lack of strength and energy when they do not frequently take the much loved drink and this absence can lead to a real withdrawal crisis.

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Does coffee make you fat?

So coffee is good for your health, as long as you don't overdo the quantities. But if we are on a diet can we drink it or is there a risk that it will compromise our weight loss goal? To find the answer to this question, just look at its nutritional values.

There are only 3 calories in a cup of black coffee, a negligible amount compared to many other foods and drinks. For this reason, coffee does not make you fat unless you mix it with other substances that introduce additional calories, such as sugar, milk and other sweeteners. In fact, the consumption of sugared coffee can have up to three times the calories of "natural" coffee.

Furthermore, if drunk bitter, coffee not only does not affect the low-calorie diet, but it helps to lose weight. Several studies have shown that it triggers a series of reactions that allow you to burn fat faster and activate the metabolism. All this because caffeine stimulates the process of eliminating lipids. In fact, this substance is able to transport all fats out of the cells, so that they are burned during physical activity.

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How many coffees to consume per day

In listing the side effects of coffee, we talked about how they occur when you drink too much of it. So what should be the right quantity? Doctors and nutritionists agree on a maximum of three or four cups a day. Obviously, this value can change depending on the individual and his state of health. For example, it is not recommended for those suffering from heartburn and gastritis, because caffeine stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, or for those with heart diseases, since coffee increases the frequency of heart.

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