Phrases about bad people: quotes and aphorisms about evil

It is said that wickedness is the mother of all evils. Unfortunately, there are many occasions in which one has to deal with bad people and one often wonders the reason for their attitude. Bad people are nothing more than sad and dissatisfied individuals, with themselves and with their life, thus ending up pouring these moods into the easiest feeling to get out: malice. When you are nervous it is possible to let out some bad phrase. , as it will happen in front of this annoying video ... the important thing is not to overdo it!

This collection of phrases and aphorisms about bad people will help to understand a little more such attitudes and to give concrete images about the feeling, but not to justify it. Identifying badness helps to remove it, because none of us need these negative energies and envious in their own life!

Phrases about bad people: recognize and understand badness

We have all, at least once, been the object of malice, but it is equally true that we have been the creators of it. As we have said, nervousness often leads to bad taste outings, perhaps also due to jealousy or envy of something. Thus, more or less consciously, it has happened to everyone to be bad: no one excluded, since everyone is naturally animated by negative feelings, as well as positive ones. This review of quotes and phrases tries to explain what wickedness is and who are bad people, united by envy and falsehood.

Wickedness is like food: once you start it's hard to stop; the intestine has expanded to accommodate more and more.
John Updike

A person is stupid if he causes harm to another person or to a group of people without realizing any advantage for himself or even suffering harm.
Carlo M. Cipolla

The bad guy never relates good advice to himself.
Publilius Syrus

The truth is that everyone will hurt you; you just have to find the ones worth suffering for.
Bob Marley

The bad guys have understood something that the good guys ignore.
Woody Allen

The evil that exists in the world almost always comes from ignorance, and good intentions can do as much damage as badness if they lack understanding.
Albert Camus

Evil, it is said, is discounted in the other world; but the stupidity in this.
Arthur Schopenhauer

The bad guys rest sometimes, the fools never.
Eros Drusiani

Even the most terrible monster, if looked at through the view of the mind and heart, can only give us a great and poignant tenderness.
Patrizia Boi

Anger can feed on you for an hour, but not lie down for a night; the continuation of anger is hatred, the continuation of hatred becomes malice.
Francis Quarles

Some reach their maximum malice in silence.
Elias Canetti

Being able to live in peace with difficult and bad people is a grace, and an extremely commendable thing.
Thomas of Kempis

The miserable is the one who consoles himself with the misfortunes of others.
Alfonso Castellano

To be bad is to take revenge in advance.
Paul Jean Toulet

Treat wickedness like a cold wind and not rain. It will make you shiver, but it won't leave any traces on you.
Michele Scirpoli

Badness is always genuine and sincere.
Mason Cooley

The good and the great souls strive to find the good even in the bad, while the mediocre and the wicked find the bad even in the good.
Blaise Pascal

The wicked are always surprised to discover abilities in the good ones.
Marquess of Vauvenargues

Without tragedies, without bad guys, there is no story.
Paolo Poli

Wickedness is a cold light in which everything loses its color, and it loses it forever.
Alessandro Baricco

All people are the same: they always need to judge Cain to be convinced that they are Abel.
Mirko Badiale

In order to be even worse, perfidy takes the form of goodness.
Publilius Syrus

It is the easiest thing in the world to destroy and harm, no shrewdness or cunning and no intelligence are required, a fool can always tear an intelligent person to pieces.
Javier Marias

Phrases about bad people

Phrases about bad people: quotes from famous authors

Villains and villains have always aroused a certain fascination with literal and theatrical works. Because of their falsity in their actions or their envy in the soul, the images we have of these characters are under the banner of hypocrisy. Think of William Shakespeare and his Othello, but also a Macbeth, which would make no sense to exist if deprived of the evil component. Likewise also the bad guys de The betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni started the story itself. The reflections around this attitude, therefore, have led to numerous quotes and phrases by the most famous authors, from philosophers, to writers, to thinkers about false people.

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil deeds but because of those who observe without doing anything.
Albert Einstein

All previous bads began as justifiable measures.
Julius Caesar

From the powerful come the most wicked men.

Some people are bad just from needing to talk. Their conversation, chatter in the drawing rooms and chatter in the anterooms, resembles those fireplaces that consume wood quickly: they need a lot of fuel, their neighbor.
Victor Hugo

Because when the instrument of intelligence is added to brute force and evil will, the human race is powerless to defend itself.
Dante Alighieri

The evil one speaks ill of the good; the fool now of the good, now of the wicked; nobody's wise ever.
Giacomo Leopardi

Good people don't need laws telling them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.

Tyrants surround themselves with bad men because they like to be flattered and no man of high spirit will flatter them.

If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend to be evil, the world doesn't believe it. The stupidity of optimism is astounding.
Oscar Wilde

I sin not out of wickedness, but out of my natural inclination to pleasure.
Lorenzo the Magnificent

Why does man have in his nature this horrible faculty of enjoying with greater acuity when he is aware of harming the creature from whom he takes pleasure?
Gabriele D'Annunzio

But mind you, citizens, that this is not the most difficult thing, namely to escape death, but that it is much more difficult to escape evil. In fact, wickedness runs much faster than death.

Even if the ability to cheat is a sign of sharpness and power, the intention to cheat is undoubtedly a sign of wickedness or weakness.

The happy are happy for the possession of justice and temperance and the unhappy, unhappy for the possession of wickedness.

There is no evil as bad as that which arises from the seed of good.
Baldassarre Castiglione

There is no animal worse than the lawless man.
Girolamo Savonarola

Nothing is absolutely bad; because the viper is not deadly and toxic to the viper; nor the dragon, the lion, the bear, the bear, the lion, the dragon; but everything is bad respect for something else.
Giordano Bruno

We will leave this stupid and evil world as we found it when we got there.

Bad deeds do not thrive; the slow man catches up with the fast one.

Phrases about bad people

Phrases about bad people: reflections on badness

It is easy to wonder why someone is bad to us or to others, but many reflections also arise around the very concept of badness. These quotes contain thoughts and images of various kinds on the subject and are an excellent starting point for the most famous aphorisms. Choose the phrase that best suits your way of thinking and use it the right way against fake people.

Esteem, respect, education, friendship, altruism are values ​​that intertwine the same chain ... a chain that should support and strengthen the world and its foundations. But is not so. Unfortunately, it is punctually consumed every day by the acid of wickedness, ignorance and selfishness, only to melt into the ruins of those who only know how to love themselves.
Raffaella Frese

You have to react to wickedness, but not with other wickedness, but with love. Especially the one towards oneself.
Andrea Mucciolo

The wickedness of the good is very dangerous. The others distribute it in daily doses, while those who concentrate it make explosive instruments of it.
Giulio Andreotti

When you do good, beware of making noise, those who do evil already do enough.
Luciano Sante Manara

Stupid people are the most dangerous, because they are uneducable and combine stupidity with wickedness.
Maria Mollica Nardo

A bad action suffered does not give us the right to do wrong.
Rue Sepetys

Do not confuse irony with attacks and jokes with gratuitous offenses and completely unmotivated hatred.Irony is a completely cerebral art that is not easy to interpret that not everyone knows how to express with intelligence or without falling into vulgarity and exaggeration.
Jean Paul Malfatti

Everyone needs Communion: the good ones to keep themselves good and the bad ones to make themselves good.
St. John Bosco

Men are very strange animals: a mixture of the nervousness of a horse, the stubbornness of a mule and the wickedness of a camel.
Thomas Henry Huxley

Magic is neither good nor bad. It is a tool, like a knife. Is a knife bad? Only if the wielder is.
Rick Riordan

Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most evil of men will do the most evil of deeds for the greatest good of all.
John Maynard Keynes

The good suffer, the bad thrive, and all that is deadly passes away.
Cassandra Clare

Everyone needs Communion: the good ones to keep themselves good and the bad ones to make themselves good.
St. John Bosco

A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival technique except learning to grow in orderly rows.
Doug Larson

Cruelty is the virtue par excellence of the mediocre: they need to exercise cruelty, an exercise for which the slightest intelligence is not required.
Alessandro Baricco

It's easy, terribly easy, to shake a man's faith in himself. Taking advantage of this to break a man's spirit is the work of the devil.
George Bernard Shaw

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