Love phrases in Spanish: which are the most romantic to dedicate to your partner

Cultivating your relationship with affection and patience is a golden rule to follow when you choose to spend your life with that partner. Love changes and evolves over time, and it is important to celebrate it as soon as you get the chance. ; that's why it's nice to receive sweet or passionate messages in love from time to time. Always remember to express your affection for your loved one; just as the video suggests!

"Te quiero mucho": love and the Spanish language

Love is expressed at its best when the terms "calienti" are used and these are found in the Spanish and Italian idioms. The language of love par excellence is ours, and is recognized as such throughout Europe; but in second place is Spanish, an idiom very similar to Italian for the sounds, terms and cadence used in conversation.

The Spanish language has always fascinated many people, so much so that there are many who independently make the decision to learn it, even if only to communicate decently during a summer holiday in a country where Spanish is spoken. Those who study it know the power of its sound, which in love is a real aphrodisiac! Let's face it, saying "Te quiero mucho" to your sweetheart is a little more sensual than "I love you" ...
It should therefore not be surprising that in literature there are so many romantic testimonies in Spanish, and consequently as many quotes and love phrases. The most passionate and well-known date back to the past but always remain current and can be whispered in the ear of the partner to amaze him or to make a moment for two more sensual.

If you are looking for a dedication for your love in a foreign language you are in the right place! We have prepared for you a selection of love phrases in Spanish, with poems, aphorisms and quotes to dedicate to your soul mate, in the most passionate language of all!

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Famous phrases for saying "I love you" in Spanish

For many, the Spanish language is practically synonymous with love, passion and romance. For this reason we have decided to collect several beautiful phrases in Spanish that celebrate love in all its forms, from the most fiery to the tender affection. Let's start with the most romantic and hot aphorisms written by philosophers, writers and historical figures who have origins South American or Spanish:

El verdadero love no se conoce por lo que exige, till por lo que ofrece.
True love is recognized not by what it asks for, but by what it offers.
(Jacinto Benavente)

El amor takes dos momentos deliciosos: el primero y el último; lo malo es el tiempo que transcurre entre ellos.
Love has two delightful moments: the first and the last; the bad thing is the time between them.
(Noel Clarasó)

El amor se discovers loving.
Love is discovered only by loving.
(Paulo Coelho)

Puede haber amor sin celos, pero no sin temores.
There can be love without jealousy, but not without fear.
(Miguel de Cervantes)

Come to sleep with me: no haremos el amor, él nos hará.
Come and sleep with me: we will not make love, he will make us.
(Julio Cortázar)

Quisiera darte todo lo que nunca hubieras tenido, y ni así sabrías la maravilla que es poder quererte.
I would like to give you everything you've never had, and even then you wouldn't know how wonderful it is to love you.
(Frida Kahlo)

Un mundo nace cuando dos se besan.
A world is born when two kiss.
(Octavio Paz)

En el verdadero amor no send nadie; obedecen los dos.
In true love no one commands; they both obey.
(Alejandro Casona)

Que quien no ama los defectos, no puede decir que ama.
Whoever does not love defects cannot say that he loves.
(Pedro Calderón de la Barca)

Nada dura para siempre por eso quiero que seas mi nada.
Nothing lasts forever, so I want you to be my nothing.
(Frida Kahlo)

Porque, sin buscarte te ando encontrando por todos lados, mainly cuando cierro los ojos.
Because, without looking for you, I find you everywhere, especially when I close my eyes.
(Julio Cortazar)

El amor es invisible y enters y sale por donde quiere sin que nadie le pida cuenta de sus hechos.
Love is invisible, it goes in and out wherever it wants without anyone asking what it is doing.
(Miguel de Cervantes)

El alma que hablar puede with los ojos, también puede besar with the mirada.
The soul that can speak with its eyes can also kiss with its eyes.
(Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)

Nunca te olvidaré, nunca, nunca.
I will never, never, never forget you.
(Frida Kahlo)

phrases of love in Spanish: aphorisms that capture the heart

El amor, a quien pintan ciego, es vidente y perspicaz porque el lover ve cosas que el indiferente no ve y por eso loves.
Love, which they paint blind, is seer and insightful because the lover sees things that the indifferent one does not see and therefore loves.
(José Ortega y Gasset)

Donde no puedas amar, no te demores.
Where you cannot love, don't stop.
(Frida Kahlo)

Estar contigo or no estar contigo es lamedida de mi tiempo.
Being with you or not being with you is the measure of my time.
(Jorge Luis Borge)

El amor es el mayor coolio de la vida.
Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
(Pablo Picasso)

El más powerful hechizo para ser amado, es amar.
The most powerful spell to be loved is to love.
(Baltasar Gracián)

Love like puedas, ama a quien puedas, ama todo lo que puedas. No te preocupes de la finalidad de tu amor.
Love as you can, love who you can, love everything you can. Don't worry about the purpose of your love.
(Amado Nervo)

Y si un día no tienes ganas de hablar with nadie, llámame… estaremos en silencio.
If one day you don't feel like talking to anyone, call me. We will be silent.
(Gabriel García Márquez)

Lo bueno de los años es que curan heridas, lo malo de los besos es que crean adicción.
The good thing about years is that they heal wounds, the bad thing about kisses is that they are addictive.
(Joaquín Sabina)

Al amor lo pintan ciego y with alas. Ciego para no ver los obstáculos y con alas para salvarlos.
Love is painted blind and with wings. Blind not to see obstacles and with wings to jump over them.
(Jacinto Benavente)

Es propio del amor si es verdadero, compendiar en un ser el mundo entero.
It is characteristic of love if it is true, to enclose the whole world in a single being.
(Ramón de Campoamor)

El amor verdadero no espera a ser invitado, antes él se invites y se ofrece primero.
True love does not wait to be invited, it offers itself first.
(Fray Luis de León)

No hay amor perdido entre nosotros.
There is no wasted love.
(Miguel De Cervantes)

Mereces un amor que se lleve las mentiras, que te traiga la ilusión, el café y la poesía.
You deserve a love that sweeps away your lies, that brings you illusion, coffee and poetry.
(Frida Kahlo)

Los que de corazón se quieren sólo con el corazón se hablan.
Those who love each other with their hearts speak to each other with their hearts.
(Francisco de Quevedo)

phrases of love in Spanish: Baltasar Gracian

Heartbreaking love quotes from Spanish-speaking authors

You know, love sometimes means suffering: here are the reflections on unrequited love or on an impossible love written by writers who speak Spanish.

The peor forma de extrañar a alguien es estar sentado a su lado y saber que nunca lo podrás tener.
The worst way to miss someone is to sit next to them and know you can never have them.
(Gabriel García Márquez)

Y te abrazo sin pedirte nada, por temor a que no sea verdad, que vivas y me ames.
And I am hugging you without asking you anything, for fear that it is not true, that you live and love me.
(Pedro Salinas)

El deseo muere automatically cuando se logra: fenece al satisfacerse. El amor en Cambio, is an eternal unsatisfecho.
Desire automatically dies when it is reached: it ends when it is satisfied. Love, on the other hand, is an eternal dissatisfaction.
(José Ortega y Gasset)

El amor nace del recuerdo, lives de la inteligencia y muere por olvido.
Love is born from memory, lives on intelligence and dies in oblivion.
(Ramon Llull)

Sólo porque alguien no te ame como tú quieres, no means que no te ame con todo su ser.
The fact that a person does not love you as you would like does not mean that he does not love you with all of himself.
(Gabriel García Márquez)

Amor y deseo son dos cosas diferentes; que no todo lo que se desea se he loves, ni todo lo que se desea se he loves.
Love and desire are two distinct things: not everything you love is desired, nor everything you want is loved.
(Miguel de Cervantes)

El primer beso no se da con la boca, up to la mirada.
The first kiss is not given with the mouth, but with the eyes.
(Tristan Bernard)

El amor sólo descansa when you die. A living love is an amor en conflicto.
Love rests only when it dies. A living love is a love in conflict.
(Paulo Coelho)

Yes no te quieren como tú quieres que te quieran, ¿qué matter que te quieran?
If they don't love you the way you want them to, what does it matter that they love you?
(Amado Nervo)

Y no quiero ya otra cosa más que verte a ti querer.
And I want nothing more than to see you love.
(Pedro Salinas)

No quiero un amor a medias, rasgado, partido por la mitad. He luchado y sufrido tanto que me merezco algo entero, intense, indestructible.
I don't want a love in half, torn apart, split in two. I have struggled and suffered so much that I deserve something complex, intense, indestructible.
(Frida Kahlo)

Nada weighs as much as the heart when it is cansado.
Nothing weighs as much as the heart when it is tired.
(Juan Zorrilla de San Martín)

See also: Which Zodiac Signs Are You Compatible With In Love?

© Istock Love according to the stars

Passion aphorisms by Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda was an extraordinary writer and he bequeathed us some beautiful poems that characterized the 20th century. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in the 1970s, he was an illustrious figure known not only in the literary field, but also in politics.
Neruda has composed verses and sonnets all his life and being a man with a passionate soul he has dedicated some of these to the women who loved him. These you are about to read are the most beautiful words of Pablo Neruda on love.

En un beso, sabrás todo lo que he callado.
In a kiss, you will know everything that I have kept silent.
(Pablo Neruda)

Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos.
I would like to do with you what spring does with cherry trees.
(Pablo Neruda)

A nadie te pareces desde que yo te amo.
You look like no one since I love you.
(Pablo Neruda)

Quítame el pan si quieres, quítame el aire, but no me quites you laugh.
Take away my bread, if you want, take away the air, but don't take away your smile.
(Pablo Neruda)

Amor, cuando te digan que te olvidé, y aun cuando sea yo quien says it, cuando yo you dam it, no me creas.
Love, when they tell you that I have forgotten you, and even if I will say it, when I tell you, do not believe me.
(Pablo Neruda)

Podrán cortar todas las flores, but no podrán detener the spring.
They can cut off all the flowers, but they can't stop spring.
(Pablo Neruda)

Es tan short el amor y tan largo el olvido.
Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
(Pablo Neruda)

Si nada nos salva de la muerte al menos que el amor nos salve de la vida.
If nothing saves us from death, let love at least save us from life.
(Pablo Neruda)
Beso a beso cruzo tu pequeño infinito, tus márgenes, tus ríos, tus diminutos pueblos, y el fuego genital transformado en deleite corre por los delgados senderos de sangre hasta que se precipita como un clavel nocturno, hasta que es y no es que un destello . en las sombras. Kiss by kiss I cross your little infinity, your margins, your rivers, your tiny villages, and the genital fire transformed into delight runs through the thin paths of blood until it rushes like a nocturnal carnation, until it is and is not than a flash in the shadows.
(Pablo Neruda)

phrases of love in Spanish: by Pablo Neruda

Quiero que sepas
one thing.
Tú sabes cómo es esto:
yes I aim
the luna de cristal, the rama roja
of the slow otoño en mi ventana,
yes touch
junto al fuego
the impalpable ceniza
or el arrugado cuerpo de la leña,
todo me lleva a ti,
how to do it que existe,
aromas, luz, metales,
fueran pequeños barcos que navegan
hacia las islas tuyas que me aguardan.
I want you to know
One thing.
You know what this is like:
if I look
the crystal moon, the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the wood,
everything leads me to you,
as if what exists
aromas, light, metals,
were small ships that go
towards your islands that await me.
(Pablo Neruda)
Tu pecho es suficiente para mi corazón, mis alas son suficientes para tu libertad. De mi boca llegará to heaven, lo que durmió en tu alma.
Your chest is enough for my heart, my wings are enough for your freedom. From my mouth it will reach heaven, what was asleep on your soul.
(Pablo Neruda) I would die for just one glance from you, your sigh that smells of love and a caress that warms my heart. You look like no one since I love you.
Moriría por solo una mirada tuya, tu suspiro que huele a amor y una caricia que me calienta el corazón. No te pareces a nadie desde que te amo.
(Pablo Neruda)

Tal vez no ser es ser
sin que tú seas
sin que vayas cortando el mediodía
como una flor azul, sin que camines
más tarde por la niebla y los ladrillos,
sin esa luz que llevas en la mano
que tal vez otros no verán dorada,
que tal vez nadie supo que crecía
como el origen rojo de la rosa,
sin que seas, en fin, sin que vinieras
abrupt, inciting, a conocer mi vida,
ráfaga de rosal, trigo del viento,
y desde entonces soy porque tú eres,
y desde entonces eres, soy y somos,
y por amor seré, serás seremos
Maybe not to be is to be without you being,
without you going to cut off the noon
like a blue flower, without you walking
later for the fog and the bricks,
without that light that you carry in your hand
that perhaps others will not see golden,
that perhaps no one knew that it was growing
like the red origin of the rose,
without you being, finally, without you coming
abrupt, exciting, to know my life,
gust of rose garden, wheat of the wind,
and since then I am because you are,
and since then you are, I am and we are,
and for love I will be, you will be, we will be.
(Pablo Neruda)

phrases of love in Spanish: the most beautiful ever written

The dedications for her in Spanish

En pocas palabras me encantas, en muchas palabras también.
In a nutshell I love you, even in many words. El día que te conocí I was a jugar la lotería, porque sin duda fue mi día de suerte.
The day I met you I went to play the lottery, because it was definitely my lucky day.

Eres mi inspiración, el motif de mi vivir, porque yo breath por tu existir.
You are my inspiration, the reason for my life, because I breathe for your existence.

En resumen te diré… que eres mi todo
In short I will tell you ... that you are my everything.

En el cielo hay millones de estrellas, en mi vida solo hay una y esa eres tú.
There are millions of stars in the sky, in my life there is only one and it is you. El amor que cada día te doy is completely sincere y nade de lo más profundo de mi corazón.
The love I give you every day is completely sincere and comes from the bottom of my heart.

El verdadero amor es elegir a persona y volver a elegarla todos los días.
True love is choosing a person and choosing them again every day. Si quieres a sincere love, aquí estoy yo. Yo si te quiero de verdad.
If you want sincere love, here I am. I really love you.

El amor no se busca, el amor se encuentra y yo te encontré a ti ¡Te quiero !.
Love is not sought, love is found and I have found you. I love you!

It is the purpose of the life is amar, entonces the purpose of my eres tú.
If the purpose of life is to love, then my purpose is you.

Si me ves por alguno de tus pensamientos, abrázame que te extraño.
If you see me for any of your thoughts, hug me because I miss you.

Para mi el amor holds tu nombre, seen as tú y holds tu mirada
For me, love has your name, it dresses like you and has your look.

Me acercaría hasta el más escondido border para poder mirarte a los ojos y decirte que te amo.
I would approach the most hidden border to be able to look you in the eye and tell you that I love you.

No creo en los lugares favoritos. Todos son, si estoy contigo.
I don't believe in favorite places. They all are, if I'm with you.

phrases of love in Spanish: dedications for her

The dedications for him in Spanish

Los latidos de mi corazón laten por ti, porque tú eres mi vida, mi amor.
My heartbeat beats for you, because you are my life, my love. Si pudieras mirar in de mi corazón, encontrarías tu nombre escrito en cada rincón.
If you could look into my heart, you would find your name written in every corner.

Mientras seas mi motivación, nada en el mundo impedirá que sea feliz.
As long as you are my motivation, nothing in the world will stop me from being happy.

Si me abrazas el mundo puede deterse en ese mismo instant.
If you hug me, the world can stop right at that moment.

Que nuestro amor sea de Dios, with Dios y para Dios.
May our love be from God, with God and for God.

Toda historia de amor es hermosa, but our favorite is mine.
Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.

No soy capaz de imaginarme la vida sin ti.
I can't imagine life without you.

¡Que maravilloso es el mundo, ahora que se que tú estás en él !.
How wonderful the world is, now that I know you are in it!

Amar no es mirarse one to the skin; es mirar juntos en la misma dirección.
Loving is not looking at one another; is to look together in the same direction.

No sé de qué están hechas las almas, but my and my tuya are one.
I don't know what souls are made of, but mine and yours are one.

Mis mejores días empiezan a dos centímetros de ti querido esposo.
My best days start two inches from you dear husband.

The chimney will be wide but it will be worth going to it junto a ti.
The road will be long but it will be worth following it with you.

I take que eres tú, aquello que muchos llaman felicidad.
I feel it is you, what many call happiness.

Me encanta poder decir que encontré el amor in a ser tan especial como you.
I love being able to say that I have found love in a special being like you.

Yo it is created in a juntos para siempre.
I believe in a together forever.

Eres el sol que ilumina hasta los días más grises de mi vida.
You are the sun that lights up even the grayest days of my life.

love phrases in Spanish: dedications for him