5 myths about weight loss that will change your days

The best way to lose weight? Using your head! Only with conscience and determination can good results be achieved. Where to start? Debunking the false myths that continually feed us!
Let's start with this video:

  1. · 1. Sweating makes you lose weight
  2. · 2. Only one part of the body can be made to lose weight
  3. · 3. Sport makes you lose weight
  4. · 4. Drinking a lot makes you lose weight
  5. · 5. Bread, pasta and rice do not make you lose weight

1. Sweating makes you lose weight

If sweating a lot could purify the skin and be beneficial in this sense, sweating is absolutely no reason for weight loss. What you lose by sweating, for example in a sauna, is acquired by hydrating your body immediately afterwards: therefore by drinking. If you play sports, sweat is certainly not the reason for losing weight. So: sitting on the beach and sweating in the sun is not enough to lose weight.

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How to lose 5 kg in one month!

1, 2 or 5: how many kilos can you lose in a week?

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2. Only one part of the body can be made to lose weight

Localized weight loss is possible by combining a correct diet with a series of exercises that allow you to work on one area rather than on another. This is a speech that, however, involves the entire body and metabolism. It is not enough to do 30 crunches to have a flat stomach, just as 20 squats are not enough to have a firm glute.

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3. Sport makes you lose weight

Practicing a sport activity regularly helps to sculpt the body and it is no small thing: it also helps to burn calories. However, this is not enough. Going 2 hours to the gym and then eating 5 hours non-stop is not enough to lose weight. Don't believe those who tell you that half an hour of running is enough to lose weight! Sport without being combined with proper nutrition is not enough. During training, fat turns into muscle: false! When you train it's true! that you work your muscles and burn fat, but it depends on the type of activity you choose.

4. Drinking a lot makes you lose weight

If drinking the famous 2lt of water a day helps you lose weight, surely exceeding in this direction, or betting everything on this alone is useless and even harmful. If water made you lose weight, with each glass of water sipped, we would burn additional calories. it can also increase blood pressure, causing the opposite swelling effect to what we would like.

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5. Bread, pasta and rice do not make you lose weight

Carbohydrates must make up about 60% of our daily energy requirement, necessary to better face the day: pasta, bread and rice are essential for our energy intake. Obviously, any abuse turns into a threat to our weight. But eliminating carbohydrates from a diet turns it into an unbalanced diet. So we need 60% carbohydrates, while the remaining 40% must come from fats and proteins: in this way you get a balanced diet, you don't "tire" the digestive system and you have enough energy to burn excess fat!

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On the subject of diets, here are some foods that we recommend to stimulate the metabolism:

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