Losing weight without a diet: 10 tricks to lose weight with cunning

Is it possible to lose weight without a diet? Are there any tricks to lose weight without undergoing strict diets that put a strain on the will and also the good mood? The answer is yes, you can lose weight even without strict diets and diets, simply by following a few good rules of behavior, methods to apply in your daily life, from the way you eat to the activities that take place. To give you a hand, we have thought of 10 tricks that you could follow day after day, to lose weight with little effort and a lot of cunning.

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10 tricks to lose weight without a diet

Here are the 10 tricks to lose weight, which as you will see not only include what and how to eat, but also how to behave in everyday life, real precious rules that will make your life better, and why not, will help you lose weight by conquering that flat stomach you've always wanted to get.

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First of all: play sports!

You will not like hearing this, but before listing the 10 tricks to lose weight without a diet, we cannot fail to give you this miraculous suggestion: so that all efforts are not in vain and visible and lasting results are obtained, you should always dedicate yourself to healthy physical activity. Here, for example, are some very useful exercises to keep fit!

1. Eat at the right times: follow your chrononutrition

Respect your biological clock, and facilitate your metabolism by eating at regular and constant times. Regularity of meals and schedules will also help metabolism and the rhythm between fasting and digestion. Timetables do not have to be the same for everyone, but they must be constant, and tailored to your day, based on your commitments. It is the concept of chrononutrition, which is not a diet but only a good rule of thumb at the table. Here's how it works:

  • one hour after you wake up, have a hearty breakfast
  • in the next 4 or 6 hours, prepare a nutritious protein-based meal
  • 5 hours after lunch, eat healthy sugars, such as fruit
  • at the end of the day, and only if you are hungry, have a light dinner

The scheme is adaptable, and not as terrifying as it seems: if you have a dinner with friends or relatives, very rich and that makes you late, the next morning you can combine breakfast and lunch with a substantial brunch, between 10 and 14, and then go back to eating during dinner, preparing something light. In short, the important thing is to maintain balance.

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Did you know that a targeted smart shopping session can also count as a possible physical activity? Let's say that's more or less like this. After all, between a run for shops, continuous changes of clothes in the dressing rooms and various squats to choose the garments to try on, there will be some physical advantage ... right? Here is a nice video that proves it!

2. Don't eat in a rush

Take your time, don't eat in a hurry because it makes digestion more difficult and turbulent. Among other things, it's a trick as old as the world: the feeling of satiety is transmitted to the brain with a delay of about 20 minutes, so if you binge in a hurry you risk overeating before you know you are full. Eating slowly helps digestion and is also a great way to not overdo the quantities.

3. Make smart snacks

Teasing with chocolates, chips or other delicacies is the number one enemy of a good diet. Often these small cravings are the result of a psychological need, nothing comes with hunger. Learn to manage small cravings with cunning, perhaps by drinking a tea or herbal tea. These drinks in fact give a certain satisfaction, as well as psychological comfort, and they will stop psychological hunger in the bud. Not to mention that herbal teas and infusions are very good for your body. If it is too hot for an herbal tea, try a fresh fruit juice, perhaps choosing lighter fruits and vegetables.

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4. Learn to substitute foods

To lose weight more easily, learn to substitute foods for each other, choosing those of the same category with fewer calories. For example, from a calorie and nutritional point of view, go for chicken over beef if you need meat. Similarly, replace the carbonara pasta with a pizza, prefer the bread with cereals over the one made with white flours. A little help in avoiding refined carbohydrates and sugars can come from the gluten-free diet tips.

5. Discover the virtues of balance

Food is a pleasure, so don't ruin your days if you've allowed yourself a few cookies too many. Rather, learn to balance things, and don't just focus on food by developing a neurotic relationship. For example: if you have overdone lunch, exercise, play a sport and so burn excess calories. You can also try doing sit-ups at home, if needed, or follow a workout that not only burns calories, but also slims and tones your glutes, for example.

6. Go for home-made foods

This is another grandmother's method, yet very effective: homemade foods are always better than meals out. They are healthier and more digestible, and have the advantage of giving you control over everything from ingredients to cooking methods to doses. One way to make it more fun is to try different ingredients, not the usual ones. With the food substitution principle, for example, try using quinoa instead of grains with too many carbohydrates, it lends itself to many recipes and will help you unleash your imagination. If you haven't done so yet, try recipes with ginger, one of the richest foods in digestive and purifying properties.

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7. Experiment with foods rich in beneficial properties

As we said, ginger is not the only natural food rich in beneficial properties. Nature is full of fruits, vegetables and other kinds of natural foods full of beneficial properties for the body. Try to find out (also by often reading about women) about the properties and benefits of precious foods, such as avocado, or find out how to eat a papaya taking advantage of its many health benefits. Do not forget about the properties of detoxifying foods, which are not dietary, indeed they are very nutritious, but at the same time they help you to cleanse the body and fight stress. Do you want to know what they are? Here they are below!

See also: Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

© iStock Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

8. Sleep well!

Many scientific studies show that lack of sleep and weight gain are interrelated. That is: sleeping well also helps you keep your figure. Find your ways of fighting stress, so you can ensure a good night's sleep. Sleeping well does not mean, however. to spend all your free moments on the sofa, indeed! To ensure a good sleep you have to get tired even physically, perhaps with long walks outdoors or a jog in the park. In short, the key word is always balance, and even losing weight without a diet involves taking care not only of food, but also of other aspects of your life.

9. Control the emotions

Food and the act of eating are often also emotional acts: there are those who eat when they are stressed or have particular anxieties, when they are bored, or when they feel lonely. If your emotions spill out onto the table in a messy way, then a good way to develop a healthy relationship with food is to control and understand your feelings. Learn to be Zen, to analyze with detachment what is happening around you. If you see your peace of mind as a valuable resource for your health, then you won't easily allow even the little things to upset you. In a word: respect and take care of yourself.

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10. Get moving!

We had already revealed the last trick here and there: playing sports. Physical movement is important not simply for firming or losing weight, but because it contributes to psychophysical well-being in all its aspects. Sport helps digestion, promotes healthy sleep, helps eliminate toxins and reduce stress, and is good for vital organs, such as the heart, lungs and brain. Choose the sport you prefer, and yes, if you really want to slim down your thighs, for example, then focus on the right exercises Any movement is healthy, maybe choose the one that best suits your needs, also based on your age and lifestyle.

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© iStock Antidepressant foods: what to eat to fight depression