Gender differences: 5 exercises to eliminate them

Whether you are parents, teachers, brothers, uncles, educators: it doesn't matter. To reduce gender inequalities and achieve equality for girls and boys, exercise is needed.
Here are 5 exercises to do every day to learn and to teach others about equality.

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1. Beware of language

Using language that respects gender differences is essential. The right pronouns and respect for the gender identity of the neighbor.

2. Role models: choose them equally

Cartoons, fairy tales, artists. Choose the protagonists and artists you propose to the children fairly. They will learn faster that both men and women can be heroes, rock stars, protagonists.

3. No colors and no rules in the games

Pink for girls and blue for boys! Enough with these rules! All colors are beautiful and all toys are made to play. If a child prefers dolls to toy cars, there is nothing wrong with that. It is a matter of playful tastes and not of sexuality or gender identity. Let the children wear and play with what they prefer.

4. Divide housework equally

Practicing equality also means setting a good example in everyday life by dividing the tasks of domestic work and care. Many girls grow up in families where women clean the house even though they work all day like men. We educate the boys to collaborate at home. He will treasure it in the future!

5. Everyone can dream

Guarantee every little girl (and every boy!) The possibility of being what she wants, leaving them the possibility of being equal only to themselves! If she wants to play football and not be a dancer she must be free to do so. And the same goes for boys. Often, in family contexts there is a tendency to judge the choices of children. Stop these behaviors and let the children free to be whatever they want.

Tags:  Kitchen Lifestyle Parenthood