The impressive inflatable "doll" for women more powerful than a vibrator!

That's right: the Californian company RealBotix is ​​making a series of really realistic pseudo-inflatable dolls. A bit like Samantha, the hyper realistic robot doll designed to satisfy male desires, the doll has a sculptural physique full of abs and muscles in the right points. But would he really know how to make us reach the infamous orgasm? That is, positions like these maybe even knows how to do them, but with what involvement and sex appeal?

If you are wondering how it is done, here is a typology:

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The doll is equipped with an artificial intelligence system, Harmony, which connects the robot's head to an app, allowing ample scope for customization and simulating real life. To simulate, in fact. The CEO of the company stated that the robot doll will be able to satisfy all of a woman's sexual needs (including cunnilingus?) And that it will be more powerful than a vibrator or any other sex toy. 15 thousand dollars It will be sexy, maybe, but if we show you this picture what do you think?

In short, there are many doubts, also because we are not yet able to analyze possible positive scenarios of this sexual novelty. In the meantime, for the avoidance of doubt, we remind you that there are many cute sex toys, without any human appearance!

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